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Indy Dave

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How ridiculous. He made a really stupid mistake and he should be punished for it. but banned for life. Thank goodness you are not the commish ... most people in their life have had times when they say or do things in the spur of the moment that was dumb. He had one of those times - he did a dumb thing but it was not planned a week in advance or anything. It was a spur of the moment stupid thing to do that should have warranted a year suspension (in my opinion)






THe dude looked down saw an OLINEMEN, that probably was owning him all day, with no helmet on and decided


"GEEEEEEE, were getting owned today, let me step on this dude's head with my metal spikes, yea that will make me feel better"


!@#$ him...


BAN the fool

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THe dude looked down saw an OLINEMEN, that probably was owning him all day, with no helmet on and decided


"GEEEEEEE, were getting owned today, let me step on this dude's head with my metal spikes, yea that will make me feel better"


!@#$ him...


BAN the fool



I thought metal spikes were banned? None-the-less ... a life sentence is ridiculous for a spur of the moment stupid thing that he apologized for an hour later.

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I thought metal spikes were banned? None-the-less ... a life sentence is ridiculous for a spur of the moment stupid thing that he apologized for an hour later.




Its ridiculous until the next time this happens and helpless dude gets a spike in the eye and ends his career.....


sh-- like this cant be tolerated.....

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oh please . you think this guy is going to do this again? give me a break




Well he wont....but the next player will.....


A stricter penalty needed to be laid here and it wasnt....leaves the door open for more bull sh-- like this....



I woulda banned him for life....is that to strict.....maybe.....



But i bet the dude that got his head stomped on wouldnt think so.....

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Well he wont....but the next player will.....


A stricter penalty needed to be laid here and it wasnt....leaves the door open for more bull sh-- like this....

I woulda banned him for life....is that to strict.....maybe.....

But i bet the dude that got his head stomped on wouldnt think so.....



Give me a break. Were human. We make mistakes. Every time someone punches someone there is a chance that it could cause brain damage or eye damage or nose broken. Does that mean that everyone who punches someone should be banned from working in their respective jobs for life? If so 4/5th of the country would be out of jobs.

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Give me a break. Were human. We make mistakes. Every time someone punches someone there is a chance that it could cause brain damage or eye damage or nose broken. Does that mean that everyone who punches someone should be banned from working in their respective jobs for life? If so 4/5th of the country would be out of jobs.




If your punching a dude thats helpless....no doubt, your a kitty and deserve to be !@#$ed....


and he did more then punch, he stomped a helpless dudes HEAD....




Look man ... I work in an office, Im sitting in a meeting and dude comes in and stomps me in the head with his boot 0:) .... guess what ... hes getting fired and charges are brought on him.....bottom line man

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Ripping the dudes helmet off was one thing, but come on stepping on the guys head.  He's lucky he didn't get suspended for the season.




Agreed. He got lucky he did not get suspended the rest of the season. 5 games w/o pay is way too light.


8 games minimum - the rest of the season would have been better.


Remember, it took over 30 stitches to close the wound.

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The suspension is the longest for on-field behavior in NFL history. It was well deserved and fair and more legal issues may be added on top of the league decision. No matter what else comes of this, this should be his last chance.


It has been reported that Haynesworth had a history of violent behavior while at UT and has had confrontations with his own teammates in Nashville. As a UT sophomore he had a fight with an offensive lineman at practice where, after being sent off the field to the locker room, he tried to return to the field and confront his teammate armed with a long pole. He was stopped by Phil Fulmer and received a suspension. It has also been reported that he has been involved in another kicking attack on a former Titans teammate in practice and, more recently, he was involved in a road rage incident in which charges where eventually dismissed.


I think, while he has apologized, been self-critical and has accepted the suspension without any dispute, this guy "has issues" and he needs to get them under control. At 6'6" and 320 lbs. he is a danger to others with that temper and lack of self control.

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Even the best of people do dumb things that they truly regret and is truly stupid ... but that doesnt make them animals.



The guy has a history....it doesn't matter how caught up you are in the heat of the battle, what he did goes beyond the line of emotions. The guy is an animal. It's not an isolated incident.

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The NFL players association will never let the Dallas play file criminal charges.....




Why is everyone surprised? This is the league where refs usually look the other way if they can, depending on the team. I am just happy that it was acknowledged. Course, couldn't hide this one. I wish bad calls from cheatin refs wouuld incur the same type of punishment

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