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#. Why do you keep a pair of pearl earings in your nightstand, but the rest of your jewelry in the second drawer down of your dresser?

#. That picture is mocking me.

#. It puts the lotion in the basket. It puts the lotion in the basket.

#. You are out of half-and-half.

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#. Why do you keep a pair of pearl earings in your nightstand, but the rest of your jewelry in the second drawer down of your dresser? 

#. That picture is mocking me.

#. It puts the lotion in the basket.  It puts the lotion in the basket.

#. You are out of half-and-half.


If you are kissing up to get the VP of Operations title just keep going. And get me my coffee right now. Black.

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How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


Why did the chicken cross the road?


What came first, the chicken or the egg?


Did TO have a drug reaction or was it a suicide attempt?


Who stole R.Rich's cooler at the tailgate?


Are you willing to cook, clean, do laundry, swallow, get beer on demand, keep your mouth shut, remove all your teeth, flatten your head and get pistol grip ears? yeah thats the one that makes the cut!

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#. I have the shoe you dropped when you ran away.

#. Your hair tastes different.  Did you change your brand of shampoo?

#. Turn around.


I'm inclined to let you go with this because you appear to be a student of the game.


You do realize you're typing instructions and editorials, not just questions right?


Funny story related to your second item above. When this chick Angie I know got back from some trip to Africa or Austria or Australia or whatever, I asked her the same question.


I don't really listen much as it is and she had been gone a long time and I was sort of busy so I don't know her answer but there was something about a baby or something. She was screaming out all sorts of stojan. Maybe she said baby shampoo. I don't know.

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#. If you had to choose between your pet or one of your fingers, which would it be, and why? (And, no, you don't get to pick which finger we're talking about.)

#. How intense is too intense?

#. Give me an example of how you got revenge on someone.

#. Is that a roll of quarters, or a knife?

#. Paper or plastic?

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Business in the front or party in the back?


If you won $100 Million dollars, would you still shower?


What's the difference between "almost" and "not quite"


Do you enjoy Pirates?


What do you think is the point in aquatic evolution where a large puddle becomes officially classified as a pond?


What is your theory on the fact that no matter what color your shampoo is, the lather is always white?

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