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Rochester Economy?


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Why not just apply for jobs listed for Rochester and see what happens? Plan a week long visit and see what you can get?


I had been thinking about that. Sending some resumes and just seeing what comes up...

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You would think in the long-run that another employer would take advantage of that work force.



I think that has been happening slowly but surely and will improve.


Just keep in mind that Kodak employed 65 K in Rochester not that long ago, from which a large percentage were chemical engineers (I'm talking thousands). They had (and still have, actually) chemical engineers coming out their ears. Reabsorbing those who were downsized is an incremental process.

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Don't get Dr. Trooth started. Slice this state off at Rockland and Putnam Counties and if you lump all of the counties north of that, allow me to introduce to you the the poorest state in the USA. We are the highest taxed state residents in the country.... and guess what, we are about to inaugurate Eliot Spitzer, governor... more spending, less business... more fiscal insanity. I've got 5-7 yrs. to retire. As a lifelong NY resident, when I leave this state heading south to greener pastures, I pledge to stop at the Pennsylvania - NY border, drop my drawers, bare my ass as it faces Albany... maybe rip a good fart or two and kiss this dreadful sesspool adios! How I've survived in this state for so long is either a testament to my fortitude or validation that I'm insane... and I'm leaning heavily toward the later.

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New York is not the only high-taxed and extraordinarily business unfriendly state, but I suppose the problem is that the other states have nicer weather.


Weather has nothing to do with it. Places with high taxes that are notoriously business unfriendly aren't considered when businesses decide to relocate from similiar situations. The business is going to survey the landscape to find the best situation possible.


One example is the "Fair Share Health Care" initiative that will force all companies with over 100 employees to pay AT LEAST $3 an hour for employees medical care, or pay the state the difference. That kind of thing means AT LEAST $6000 PER EMPLOYEE will be burdened on the company PER YEAR. That's $600,000.00 for a company with 100 employees. And that's just one example - don't even think about looking at NY's Medicare mandate.

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Weather has nothing to do with it.  Places with high taxes that are notoriously business unfriendly aren't considered when businesses decide to relocate from similiar situations.  The business is going to survey the landscape to find the best situation possible. 


One example is the "Fair Share Health Care" initiative that will force all companies with over 100 employees to pay AT LEAST $3 an hour for employees medical care, or pay the state the difference.  That kind of thing means AT LEAST $6000 PER EMPLOYEE will be burdened on the company PER YEAR.  That's $600,000.00 for a company with 100 employees.  And that's just one example - don't even think about looking at NY's Medicare mandate.



I guess I feel that California has similar problems with its government but still has a pretty dynamic economy although it has its problems too.

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I was afraid of that. Crap.


The state is moving their food safety lab to Geneva which will bring high-tech jobs to the area. 30 positions will be available including, chemists, bacteriologists and microbiologists.. I don't know if that is up your alley or not. It is in the local section of today's Rochester D&C.

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