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Greatest Music Video EVER!


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Please do not tell me this is the music video for the band OK GO that I started a thread about over 4 hours ago? Sorry to be so snotty as I cannot access You Tube from work, and if it is not that video, please accept my apologies, but if it is RMPL, or whatever that abbreviation is :doh:




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Please do not tell me this is the music video for the band OK GO that I started a thread about over 4 hours ago?  Sorry to be so snotty as I cannot access You Tube from work, and if it is not that video, please accept my apologies, but if it is RMPL, or whatever that abbreviation is :blush:


its not ......so



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Please do not tell me this is the music video for the band OK GO that I started a thread about over 4 hours ago?  Sorry to be so snotty as I cannot access You Tube from work, and if it is not that video, please accept my apologies, but if it is RMPL, or whatever that abbreviation is :doh:


No way.. this has cool keyboard, chicks dancing (sometimes in unison), a porn mustache... its got it ALL!!!

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hey! I pre-apologized, and without seeing it, i cannot believe his claim of "...the best video ever...", that OK GO video is among the best video's I have personally ever seen. Anywho...I am sorry for blindly accusing The Sir, I know it wasn't fair of me!


its not ......so




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I see you're a Bill Simmons fan. Here's what he had to say about it:


After I posted my YouTube column back in June, a few readers were outraged that I didn't include the Tommy Seebach Band's video for "Apache," which I had never seen before and have now watched about 375 times in the past 12 weeks. It's fantastic. It's epic. It's otherworldly. I never thought Journey's "Separate Ways" video could be topped, but "Apache" simply blows it away. I can't even calibrate it for the Unintentional Comedy Scale because it's impossible to believe that everyone involved was serious, but since the video was filmed in the late-'70s, when things like this consistently happened, we have to assume that, yes, everyone in the video was serious. And if that's true, then I'm giving this a 119 out of 100 on the UC Scale.


(Note: There's an excellent chance that you will watch this three times in a row, then find yourself unable to get the chorus out of your head for about 72 hours. Know this going in.)

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This rock and roll music video reminds me of my youth in dorchester and charlestown massachusetts, memories :doh:



And for those who quivered under duress and bailed to the burbs in the 70's for a white pickett fence and safer schools, I offer this tune for your old homestead in historic boston :D Amazing Grace with bagpipes.



Sympathy :blush:


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Marvin Gaye: What's going on/ what's happening brother.




I dunno, just something about a guy named "Gaye"


I'll counter with probably not the greatest video of all time, but one the greatest songs ever written by anyone anywhere which happened to have been written by one of the greatest bands of all time

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