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Listening to post game interviews


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I swear I heard someone say it was a designed run for the QB.  Mould was interviewed and said it was a running play where Henry went the wrong way.


What gives? :wub:



Like I said below, the replay shows the guard PULLING to the right (an indication of a run play). Henry ran to the left and Drew was left holding the ball. The hole created by the guard pulling is where the defender ran untouched to sack Drew.


It was a busted play from the beginning.

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that play was supposed to be a naked bootleg for Bledsoe. Just heard it on the radio.



Thanks. So how do they eplain him standing there holding the ball?



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that play was supposed to be a naked bootleg for Bledsoe. Just heard it on the radio.



So they forgot to tell Drew?? If that was the play , Moulds should have been at qb. Idiotic call on the face on it.

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A NAKED BOOTLEG???? Can someone get the memo to Mularkey that Drew Bledsoe isn't Doug Flutie.......


HAHAHAHAHAHA friggin amazing.


I'm sure we will hear this week how Drew was to blame for that play though and how Donavan McNabb would have made it look like a great call.

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Guys, looking at the replay, it doesn't look at all like a naked bootleg. It looks like a lame play-action pass. The way Drew was moving even before he saw the blitzer in his face looks nothing like a bootleg. It would have taken him 5 minutes to get to the first down marker.



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Guys, looking at the replay, it doesn't look at all like a naked bootleg. It looks like a lame play-action pass. The way Drew was moving even before he saw the blitzer in his face looks nothing like a bootleg. It would have taken him 5 minutes to get to the first down marker.





Maybe thats why we drafted WM, so Blitzsoe can turn EITHER way to hand the ball

off or hand to it to whichever running back isn't slipping and falling down?

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Maybe thats why we drafted WM, so Blitzsoe can turn EITHER way to hand the ball

off or hand to it to whichever running back isn't slipping and falling down?




If that's Mularkey's and Clements's idea of a crucial play call, Drew is far from the worst problem on the Bills.

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naked bootleg?


I can't stop visualizing someone picking up a human size replica of the

Statue of Liberty, setting her down in a Radio Flyer wagon we all had as

kids, and pulling that thing by the handle as fast as they could around the


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I don't think it was a bootleg at all, but if it was then the Bills have, hands-down, the stupidest coaching staff in sports. A bootleg with Bledsoe. Where the **** was the dolly and the guys to push the statue around on the dolly?


It was a disasterous play call in any case. The Bills have ZERO ability to block blitzers up the middle and Bledsoe has no legs. The Patriots blitzed to stuff the run, nobody blocked, and they were on top of both the QB and the RB (if he got the ball) instantly.


The coaches had to have known the Patriots would be blitzing and Bledsoe had zero chance from under center. Dumb.

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Whatever the hell it was supposed to be, Bledsoe should have protected the ball. Period.



BTW, I wanted a direct snap to the RB on that play - but it probably wouldn't have worked. I was just reminiscing about when the Bills were good and used to do that so successfully with Thurman Thomas.



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that play was supposed to be a naked bootleg for Bledsoe. Just heard it on the radio.



Bull. That was a straight-back drop. 4th and 3, and you drop your QB another 5 yards before he he starts the bootleg...and pull a guard to let a LB in unblocked and blow up the play in the backfield?


If that was designed as a naked bootleg, it's the most god-awfully designed play I've seen since...well, since about fifteen minutes before it, on that ridiculous fake end around screen pass atrocity... :blink: If Mularkey calls another end around, I'm going to personally drive up to Orchard Park and kick is ass...

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I was at the game ... and what I saw was ...


A number of times DB handed the ball off to Travis and every tim not a single Pats player was covering anyone but the ball carrier .. I even commented to my son that if Drew was to fake a handoff he had a easy 5 yards or more ...


Now to be clear ... I NEVER want to see Drew running as a option but it WAS open all day.


What I saw happen on the 4th down play ...


Looked like TH screwed up and when the wrong way that left Drew no one to fake to PLUS the guard pulled .. thinking he was doing lord knows what .. and that left a hole in the middle for a defender to sack Drew ... and then he fumbled ....


I don't fault Drew .... I guess if that is the BEST 4th down play the bills have then I don't blame him ... blame the personal.


Bills gave the Pats a good game ... TV timeouts / pentalies / horride pass coverage was killing them all day ...


Considering the defence played so-so (few tackles by the front line that I remember) a TD by the special teams / good pass protection (forget the last few minutes) and the Bills played well enought to win ... but are a team afraid to win ... looks like they are always waiting for the "bad" thing to happen.


So that makes 3 straight loses in a row I have attended ... hard to swallow !

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