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Man shoots, kills boy for...

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"I shot him with a (word deleted) .410 shotgun twice," Martin told the dispatcher.



Well, there's no doubt what the intent was. I don't think the first one was meant as a warning shot.


In my home town when we were kids this old couple down the street would yell at us for just coming too close to their yard (we were on the sidewalk!). I always felt like they would snap like that. Kind of like those quiet suburban wierdos you always heard stories about.


If it was that bad he could have used rock salt in the shotgun. An old neighbor of mine used it all the time on stray dogs. Every once in a while everything was quiet, then BLAM! Squeal Squeal! I never went trick-or-treating at his house.

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If there is one thing that folks should have learn from the Sopranos, old folks with guns are nuts. Don't !@#$ with em.




if i was the dad or any member of that family, i'd get revenge the same way the sopranos would too. i'd hang the !@#$er on my lawn for all the world to see.

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Most communities have banned front yard fences - for years, spitting into the face of the old trueism,  "Good fences make good neighbors". :P



Well of course that old trueism relates to a good farmer keeping his livestock off of others' properties... :P


Good neighbors, indeed.



I'm guessing Dennis Mitchell may not go to Mr. Wilson's house today...

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was a joke, but it's good to see that even in your old age you're still able to produce your smart ass comments?


Ah, so when you do it it's a joke but when someone else does it then it's because they're older and a smart ass. Got it. Yet another "youth" who takes himself far more seriously than the rest of the world ever could.


Nice use of a question mark, froggy.

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So this guy, a veteren who lives alone and takes pride in his property and his surroundings, should have to live with kids in his neighborhood DESTROYING the things he treasures because they think its stupid. He called the police many times to report his property was being damaged. Why was it being damaged, because he took pride in it and wanted it nice and other felt they had the right to destoy it.

These kids (and parents) had the cops called on them to try and prevent them from doing this and yet they continued to show no respect for his property.

Now the guy snaps and kills one of the snot nose punks and he's a monster. Screw that, treating people like sh-- can have consequences. Sometimes people can be pushed too far.

If these kids or there parents would have put a stop to this, it never would have got this far.


Flame away

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So this guy, a veteren who lives alone and takes pride in his property and his surroundings, should have to live with kids in his neighborhood DESTROYING the things he treasures because they think its stupid. He called the police many times to report his property was being damaged. Why was it being damaged, because he took pride in it and wanted it nice and other felt they had the right to destoy it.

These kids (and parents) had the cops called on them to try and prevent them from doing this and yet they continued to show no respect for his property.

Now the guy snaps and kills one of the snot nose punks and he's a monster. Screw that, treating people like sh-- can have consequences. Sometimes people can be pushed too far.

If these kids or there parents would have put a stop to this, it never would have got this far.


Flame away


And think of all the money it will take to incarcerate this poor man for simply caring enough to kill.

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