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Really Smart Criminal


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OK, so the other day I pull into my banks parking lot and the car behind me nearly drives under my truck. I’m thinking this guy is pretty anxious to get to the bank this morning. So I proceed to the drive through and the same car pulls into the lane next to mine to also wait for the next teller. The next thing I see is one of the bank employees pounding on the glass at the teller’s window, telling her something and then she attacks the same car that nearly ran into me. Obviously I roll down my window to try to figure out what is going on while this bank employee continues to pound on the driver side window and scream at the driver. The next thing I see is the bank manager helping his employee drag the driver out of the car as the police arrive.


Now I’m thinking the guy could not have robbed the bank, he pulled in behind me and was waiting in line to do bank business. It did not appear that it was domestic, as the driver was in his early 20’s and the bank employee was in her early to mid 40’s, so I continued to listen….And what was all the commotion about? This guy stole the ladies car in the bank parking lot the day before and was coming to the drive through with three forged checks (hers) he was planning to cash at the bank. Yep, he stole the car of a bank employee at her place of work, and then went back to the same bank in an attempt to cash the victims checks at the bank in which she worked the very next day. :rolleyes:

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