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what is more entertaining....

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Why would you watch a cold pizza?  :doh:


Or a dog lick himself?


sometimes I watch Mike and Mike in the morning..in the morning and my TV stays on..next thing I know i feel my brain hurting..I look up..and there is cement Head Crawford and his dimwit sidekick...Skippy...who hasn't watched a dog lick his nads?

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wow a thread about dogs licking themselves and look who shows up...tweedle VA and tweedle crap thrower..coincidence?


I am still trying to figure out why you have time to sit around watching pizzas get cold. I guess when your dog is sleeping you need to fill in the down time.

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I've never seen it.  Is that hack Bill Simmons still on it, or did he get fired from that job, too?



That hack pumps out 3+columns/week. You haven't updated your blog since the Bills were contenders. You're the Sopranos of TSW.


Get off your lazy bones and let us know what happened to Ed Freckley!



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Cold Pizza or a dog licking his own nads? I vote for the dog....Jay Crawford appears to be slightly smarter than a stop sign..Skip Bayless then makes the stop sign look like a card carrying member of Mensa




Cold Pizza sucked before they fired the cute girls. I can't imagine how bad it is now.

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