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Meat on Ash Wednesday????

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I read Poojer's lament yesterday. I was always told growing up that Ash Wednesday is meatless. My mother - Catholic Kate says yes. I told her that X said it is NOT a meatless day. I need some help, please post some facts for me.




As usual, trust your Mother! She is right and if you had ate meat you'll have a front row seat in Hell! ;):lol::lol:

St. Patrick's day is on Friday this year and most of the bishops will give you a break on that friday. :lol:

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I read Poojer's lament yesterday. I was always told growing up that Ash Wednesday is meatless. My mother - Catholic Kate says yes. I told her that X said it is NOT a meatless day. I need some help, please post some facts for me.




I never said that. I said it wasn't a holy day. Geez, Kate is going to hate me now. It is still a day of abstinence. You're going to hell for eating that Monte Cristo, BTW. ;)

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St. Patrick's day is on Friday this year and most of the bishops will give you a break on that friday. ;)




See this is what I do not get about this rule....they make changes based on a holiday?


Either its a rule or not. I do not get it.

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See this is what I do not get about this rule....they make changes based on a holiday?


Either its a rule or not.  I do not get it.


St. Patrick's day is a feast day. If you celebrate the feast you shouldn't have to fast, so usually the bishop keeps all the Irish in the fold by giving a dispensation.

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Everyone over 14 years of age is bound to observe the law of abstinence. Abstinence from meat is to be observed on all Fridays within the season of Lent and Passiontide and on Ash Wednesday.


On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, everyone over 18 and up to the beginning of their 60th year is also bound to observe the law of fast. On these two days, only one full meatless meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs; but together they should not equal another full meal.


Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, therefore, are the only days of both fast and abstinence.


It should be noted also that "the Fridays of the year outside of Lent remain days of penance, but each individual may substitute for the traditional abstinence from meat some other practice of voluntary self-denial or personal penance: this may be physical mortification or temperance or acts of religion, charity or Christian witness."



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I read Poojer's lament yesterday. I was always told growing up that Ash Wednesday is meatless. My mother - Catholic Kate says yes. I told her that X said it is NOT a meatless day. I need some help, please post some facts for me.




You are going to believe Poojer over your sainted mother? Sure and begorrah boy you and Poojer will have time to be discussin' such a thing...while the two of your are burnin for all eternity in hell!!!! How could a man disrespect his fine Irish catholic mother that carried him around without a complaint in the world for nine months, that wiped his sh------- arse when he was an ugly little baby, kissed you when you were sick...all for POOJER and his worrying about BJ's and meaty burritos? Glory to be god should the nuns get wind of your attitude young man. Kneeling on your knuckles and a few raps with the ruler should put the proper amount of respect back into you!!!

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St. Patrick's day is a feast day. If you celebrate the feast you shouldn't have to fast, so usually the bishop keeps all the Irish in the fold  by giving a dispensation.




Not to get overly biblical about this whole thing, but I dont ever recall from my days reading the Bible where fasting for lent is mentioned..and certian ages can fast etc...and observing feast days etc...that is where I am failing to understand this rule by the Catholic Church. I will leave it at that.

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You are going to believe Poojer over your sainted mother?  Sure and begorrah boy you and Poojer will have time to be discussin' such a thing...while the two of your are burnin for all eternity in hell!!!!  How could a man disrespect his fine Irish catholic mother that carried him around without a complaint in the world for nine months, that wiped his sh------- arse when he was an ugly little baby, kissed you when you were sick...all for POOJER and his worrying about BJ's and meaty burritos?  Glory to be god should the nuns get wind of your attitude young man. Kneeling on your knuckles and a few raps with the ruler should put the proper amount of respect back into you!!!


Tis true. He's behavin as the heathens and blaming his dear friend for his own ignorance, must've been dropped on his head as a snapper.

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Not to get overly biblical about this whole thing, but I dont ever recall from my days reading the Bible where fasting for lent is mentioned..and certian ages can fast etc...and observing feast days etc...that is where I am failing to understand this rule by the Catholic Church.  I will leave it at that.



No problem:


I believe it is best understood as a custom or tradition rather than a rule that has evolved during the centuries. That's why most of us feel free to joke about it, it just goes with the season. You won't find lenten directives in the bible, have a look at this if you are interested:


Catholic Encyclopedia

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No problem:


I believe it is best understood as a custom or tradition rather than a rule that has evolved during the centuries. That's why most of us feel free to joke about it, it just goes with the season. You won't find lenten directives in the bible, have a look at this if you are interested:


Catholic Encyclopedia




Thanks for the link and the clarification ;)

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think of the dilemna a hooker has on Ash Wed..no meat??? must kill business



It's allowed as long as she doesnt swallow


Oh man sds is gonna kick my butt for this

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You are going to believe Poojer over your sainted mother?  Sure and begorrah boy you and Poojer will have time to be discussin' such a thing...while the two of your are burnin for all eternity in hell!!!!  How could a man disrespect his fine Irish catholic mother that carried him around without a complaint in the world for nine months, that wiped his sh------- arse when he was an ugly little baby, kissed you when you were sick...all for POOJER and his worrying about BJ's and meaty burritos?  Glory to be god should the nuns get wind of your attitude young man. Kneeling on your knuckles and a few raps with the ruler should put the proper amount of respect back into you!!!




My sainted Mother made Spagetti with MEAT sauce for dinner last night. That's how we got on the subject. Don't think less of her X, she was watching the boys all day while my wife was out of town.


/going to hell

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