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Greatest Bills TE of all time?


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Guest BackInDaDay

Just saw another good Irish TE on NFL Network. Italian kid from Jersey coming out as a Junior (foregoing a senior year with Weiss :blush: ). Looks pretty good. You draftniks probably know his mom's maided name, but I just thought I'd mention it. Why the hell did TD draft Everett? Stonehands and runs lazy routes. Great. 0:)

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I was friends with McKellar while he was here. I met him right after the first Super Bowl loss.


Good dude....


Anyone ever try to tutor a football player on a Mac? HOLY SMOKES 0:) I was brave...


For Christmas one year he gave us his tickets to a game ( right behind the 50 / players bench ), and he gave us passes to the family get together they had after every game in the lobby area.One of the coldest, yet best days of my life :blush: I'll never forget Bruce coming off the elevator with a FAT fur coat and a gal on each arm :D Oh, and Billy Brooks -- Was he, well, a little "happy" ?


I actually was bigger than one Bill - Don Beebe :lol: The rest were pretty much giants.


My vote was for 84 :lol:


BTW: I have his phone # in NC. Anyone wanna call em ? hehehe

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Pete Metzlaars, Ernie Warlick, Seymour, Costa, Remiersma?  I'll go with Ernie Warlick, who was on a line that led Sports Illustrated to conclude that Jack Kemp was the most protected quarterback in the history of football, and in the championship game against San Diego based on a beat up offensive line, Warlick starred as a receiver in a two tight end offense.



The Bills have NEVER had a premier or top notch TE in their history. Period.

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Metzellarrs may be the best overall TE the Bills have ever had.


Personally I always thought Jay Riemersma was exceptional, and never got the credit he deserved.

The guy was a 7th round pick. Granted he was an average blocker, but his ability as a receiver has not been matched by any other TE since we got rid of him.

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Pete Metzlaars, Ernie Warlick, Seymour, Costa, Remiersma?  I'll go with Ernie Warlick, who was on a line that led Sports Illustrated to conclude that Jack Kemp was the most protected quarterback in the history of football, and in the championship game against San Diego based on a beat up offensive line, Warlick starred as a receiver in a two tight end offense.




In my cognisant Bills life (1972-present, most of the time) it is Metzelaars by a mile, with Mark Brammer a distant second. I am told Ernie Warlick was a hell of player, and he has some great stats, for the era he played in.


Riemersma is in my mind, frankly, the most overrated player in recent Bills history. He was serviceable at times, but more often than not, a major disappointment. He was a fan favorite, and had some moments, but was a pretty marginal blocker, and a borderline terrible receiver. After some success early on, his career in Buffalo consisted mainly of dropped passes and injuries...I remember how upset so many got when the Bills let him go, but I think Campbell is every bit as good, which may not be saying a lot.

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But like a said, totally useless seymour, bum knee i think, got us Frank Lewis. Remember, for some reason the trade was not dependant on a physical of both players, and Seymour never played a down for the Stealers. One of the all time great trades in Bills history :blush:



However, when you factor in the "other half" of that Seymour for Lewis trade 0:) - (the "player-to-be-named-later) was GARY ANDERSON, (according to Chuck Noll - with tongue firmly planted in cheek) then Seymour takes his rightful place in history at the bottom of the heap. :D

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Warlick was unreal....caught many a pass over the middle when needed and a great blocker........plus he ran a hamburger joint down Main from UB after he retired, where I used to get a burger during college.......nice guy too

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Paul Seymour was basically a 3rd tackle - one reason the Electric Company was so dominant and OJ got the 2003.


That is why I thought so highly of Seymour. Costa, I believe was in the same mold. Depending on the team you have blocking takes on more and more priority for that position. I think Costa was a Notre Dame guy.

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Warlick was unreal....caught many a pass over the middle when needed and a great blocker........plus he ran a hamburger joint down Main from UB after he retired, where I used to get a burger during college.......nice guy too



Ernie is a great guy. He owned a Henry's Hamburger franchise on Main.

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Pete Metzlaars, Ernie Warlick, Seymour, Costa, Remiersma?  I'll go with Ernie Warlick, who was on a line that led Sports Illustrated to conclude that Jack Kemp was the most protected quarterback in the history of football, and in the championship game against San Diego based on a beat up offensive line, Warlick starred as a receiver in a two tight end offense.




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