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That's F'ed up.  i am a frim believer in protecting the individual's right to do harm to themself if it is likely not to physically harm another.  Putting a baby in that situation is just plain wrong.


Of course, my guess is, my parents probably did that with me, way back when.  :lol:



Same here... They just didn't know better. But, I am not so sure if they did it in the driver seat?


My wife remember's riding across the whole state of NY standing behind my father's seat... Everything and everybody packed in for a week's stay in the ADK's... Man the carnage would have been hideous... Tonka toys and Genny pounders flying everywhere.


I can see one thing letting a young kid (my son is 7) sit on your lap and steer (of course in the parking lot)... Ala "the Boss"... But, a little baby!


That is effed up.


Now "stopping short" when you got a hot chick in the passenger seat is perfectly acceptable... Then no seatbelts allowed! :doh:;)

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I see if smebody doesn't want to wear a seatbelt... Fine... But, it is idiots like this that should be tossed from a car:


Brit's Baby


Just a simple stop could send Brit's baby on an E-Ride ticket through the windshield.


At least if you are gonna be ignorant, HARM YOURSELF ONLY!




Or if the airbag went off.

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I see if smebody doesn't want to wear a seatbelt... Fine... But, it is idiots like this that should be tossed from a car:


Brit's Baby


Just a simple stop could send Brit's baby on an E-Ride ticket through the windshield.


At least if you are gonna be ignorant, HARM YOURSELF ONLY!





You can take the girl out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl...

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