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Who's the greatest Bills Rb of all-time?

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At Miami Willis had speed, real speed. When he broke out he was gone. He had one of the fastest 40 times in Canes history. Then he hurt his knee and hurt it bad. Since then he has gotten MUCH bigger and...gulp...a little slower.


The problem I see with Willis is that when he was in college he could get away dancing because he was so fast and could make people miss him. If he didn't get hurt he might still be able to do that in the NFL.


Last year I think he was still concerned about his knee and he ran a style different than what he ran in the past. He didn't try to make drastic cuts, instead he tried the straight ahead and slide outside while using his new found power to gain yards. This year he started reverting back to his old style and it just didn't work.


Willis may gain some more of his speed back but I doubt he will ever get it all back. His increased body mass alone will probably prevent this.  Edge had a similar injury and it took him just over 2 years to nearly recover his speed, so Willis may just get a little more back. If he does and he learns how to use that speed with his new larger size he could be formidable.


I don't question Willis's heart, he has shown me that he has plenty during his rehab. What he needs to show me is that he has learned how to work with what he has. He needs to stop with the dancing and he needs to start hitting the holes without hesitation. A better OL will of course help with this, but more running plays and screens to the outside will also help.



Willis is a very good beack but like you said be needs and O-line to black and more running plays that he feels more comfortable in running.

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Guest BackInDaDay
At Miami Willis had speed, real speed. When he broke out he was gone. He had one of the fastest 40 times in Canes history. Then he hurt his knee and hurt it bad. Since then he has gotten MUCH bigger and...gulp...a little slower.


The problem I see with Willis is that when he was in college he could get away dancing because he was so fast and could make people miss him. If he didn't get hurt he might still be able to do that in the NFL.


Last year I think he was still concerned about his knee and he ran a style different than what he ran in the past. He didn't try to make drastic cuts, instead he tried the straight ahead and slide outside while using his new found power to gain yards. This year he started reverting back to his old style and it just didn't work.


Willis may gain some more of his speed back but I doubt he will ever get it all back. His increased body mass alone will probably prevent this.  Edge had a similar injury and it took him just over 2 years to nearly recover his speed, so Willis may just get a little more back. If he does and he learns how to use that speed with his new larger size he could be formidable.


I don't question Willis's heart, he has shown me that he has plenty during his rehab. What he needs to show me is that he has learned how to work with what he has. He needs to stop with the dancing and he needs to start hitting the holes without hesitation. A better OL will of course help with this, but more running plays and screens to the outside will also help.



Thank you, sir. I appreciate you taking the time. :(

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BEN GREGORY!!!--great call--had completely forgotten him..what the heck happened to him?? he had potential.


He was getting rave reviews his rookie season but suffered a serious knee injury, which he never recovered from, about midway through the season. I remember the local media saying how "sick" they were about this guy going down.

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I think Willis' problem, if there is one, has to do 99% with the fact that in two full seasons of playing running back for the Buffalo Bills he has yet to take a single handoff, reach an actual hole, and accelerate untouched into the secondary before being hit.



We need an O-line first before we can start criticizing Willis. He hasn't been productive lately because:


1) Our O-line can't block 0:)

2) Willis hardly got any carries this year :blush:

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Come to think of it the Bills should begin looking for another FB soon.  Shelton is getting old.  I wonder who's out there in FA thats actually good.




HEY! That's my crusade, bub. :devil:


Not only is Shelton getting old, he hasn't impressed me at all during his stint here. Yes, there are certainly extenuating circumstances on this team that make judgements of any individual hard to make...but, I think it's less so for Shelton.


We need an upgrade at FB!

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Guest BackInDaDay
HEY!  That's my crusade, bub.  0:)


Not only is Shelton getting old, he hasn't impressed me at all during his stint here.  Yes, there are certainly extenuating circumstances on this team that make judgements of any individual hard to make...but, I think it's less so for Shelton. 


We need an upgrade at FB!



This is the police. Pull this post over - we understand it's being hijacked! :lol:


If McGahee keeps going back for thirds, he'll be our FB. :devil:

"Fat, drunk, and stupid's no way to go through life, son" - Dean Wormer

Somebody pour Willis another LaBatts. :D

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