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Is it Bledsoe's NAME that makes people still


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I like Bledsoe because he isn't a whiner, a Crybaby, and doesn't fancy himself the 2nd coming of christ. He is the best QB we have had since Kelly. I am not a typical Bills fan who focus's solely on the QB position and blame him for the offense not playing well. Bledsoe has his flaws i have never denied it but his flaws are not the only thing causing the team to not score points.



I mean seriously if you can explain to me how the team goes from scoring 30 points a game weeks 1 and 2 of last year to what we saw after then you deserve a nobel prize.

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I like Bledsoe because he isn't a whiner, a Crybaby, and doesn't fancy himself the 2nd coming of christ.  He is the best QB we have had since Kelly.  I am not a typical Bills fan who focus's solely on the QB position and blame him for the offense not playing well.  Bledsoe has his flaws i have never denied it but his flaws are not the only thing causing the team to not score points.

I mean seriously if you can explain to me how the team goes from scoring 30 points a game weeks 1 and 2 of last year to what we saw after then you deserve a nobel prize.


Well..just a guess. The teams after week 2 studied film on how to beat us and our coaches last year had no clue how to fix it. just a guess

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Guest Guest_dan_*

Its amzing that so many people can't see the forest for the trees.


I don't think anyone here, and I mean anyone, is saying that Drew is the best qb to ever play and that we should stick with him regardless. Rather Drew supporters are saying that he is not the only problem with this offense. While Drew bashers are saying if you get rid of him all our problems go away.


Well, lets look at reality. The problem with this offense has been around for years and its square on the Offensive Line. We have and abissmal line. Behind this line no one could look good. And if you take a pure pocket passer, they look all the more the worse.


I offer for example, the dreaded Flutie vs Johnson era. 2 qb's; 1 line; 2 results. When RJ was in; he look dreadful, was sacked like crazy and lost the majority of the games we played.


RJ goes out with injury - enter DF.


When DF comes in; he looked bad, made bad throws, ran around like crazy; but the majority of his games we won. Why? because he was a scrambling, make it up as you go, type qb. So, he could mask some of the poor line play and squeeze out an extra win or 2. RJ was unable to mask the poor line play.


Now enter Drew and the current team. Same thing as RJ. The line sucks and DB is not a scrambling, mae it up as you go, type of qb; so we look horrible. But, you can't just bench DB and anyone will fit in. It would have to be a scrambler. We don't have one. So, what are we left with?


Either we improve the line or we get a scrambler like Vick in there. I say good scrambling qb's are damn hard to find, so keep DB and get a line in here that can block.


So stop trying to blame it all on Drew or to say anyone has blind faith based on his name. The problems on this offensive unit run deep. Drew is certainly part of them, but he is by no means the entirety of them.

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Its amzing that so many people can't see the forest for the trees. 


I don't think anyone here, and I mean anyone, is saying that Drew is the best qb to ever play and that we should stick with him regardless.  Rather Drew supporters are saying that he is not the only problem with this offense.  While Drew bashers are saying if you get rid of him all our problems go away.


Well, lets look at reality.  The problem with this offense has been around for years and its square on the Offensive Line.  We have and abissmal line.  Behind this line no one could look good.  And if you take a pure pocket passer, they look all the more the worse.


I offer for example, the dreaded Flutie vs Johnson era.  2 qb's; 1 line; 2 results.  When RJ was in; he look dreadful, was sacked like crazy and lost the majority of the games we played. 


RJ goes out with injury - enter DF.


When DF comes in; he looked bad, made bad throws, ran around like crazy; but the majority of his games we won.  Why? because he was a scrambling, make it up as you go, type qb.  So, he could mask some of the poor line play and squeeze out an extra win or 2.  RJ was unable to mask the poor line play.


Now enter Drew and the current team.  Same thing as RJ.  The line sucks and DB is not a scrambling, mae it up as you go, type of qb; so we look horrible.  But, you can't just bench DB and anyone will fit in.  It would have to be a scrambler.  We don't have one.  So, what are we left with?


Either we improve the line or we get a scrambler like Vick in there.  I say good scrambling qb's are damn hard to find, so keep DB and get a line in here that can block.


So stop trying to blame it all on Drew or to say anyone has blind faith based on his name.  The problems on this offensive unit run deep.  Drew is certainly part of them, but he is by no means the entirety of them.


Good post..I'm with you all the way

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I don't think anyone here, and I mean anyone, is saying that Drew is the best qb to ever play and that we should stick with him regardless.  Rather Drew supporters are saying that he is not the only problem with this offense.  While Drew bashers are saying if you get rid of him all our problems go away.



Straw-man alert...


If that's what "Drew bashers" are saying then find a quote on it....

Nobody's saying the problems will go away....just that we have nothing to lose and the problems can't get any worse.


I'm not going to repeat the dreadful offensive numbers that have been posted many times regarding the last 16 games, but they speak for themselves.

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You know the thing that amazes me the most is that guys like Steve have actually posted facts about how terrible the offense has been under the Bledsoe regime and how it wasn't as bad even under RJ and people just totally disgregard and give excuses it's like people wake up our offense is reaching all time lows literally and all the DB supporters can say is well the o-line is terrible, you have to realize that the QB makes the O-line good just as the O-line makes the QB look good, people on this board treat that element like it's one-sided it's not, I've seen plenty of times the line has given Drew protection and he has just been indecisive in his play

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Ok, we have people that are on completely opposite ends of the spectrum here. The Bledsoe supporters vs the Bledsoe bashers. We all know where I stand.


Which is what makes me wonder WHY the Bledsoe backers have this unwavering love and support for him. Sure, you can blame the Oline, I've heard it before.


The fact is, in the last 16 games, the buffalo bills have scored fewer points than ANY other 16 game stint in team history. This includes 3-13 and 2-14. And there is a reason the QB takes most of the heat. Its easier to replace him than the other 10 guys around him.


Anyway, do you remember Bledsoe as a rookie? People were REALLY excited about this guy. His rookie FB card was one of the most valuable football cards of the 'new' collecting market. He was good. When the thought of him coming to Buffalo came up, I was so excited for it that I didnt want to jinx it by saying i thought he might actually be making the trip to Buffalo. When he got here, it was like the second coming of Christ.  People took off of work to see him land at the airport. It was BIG.


And that is why I think people STILL support him. Because honestly, why else would they. They don't want all that excitement that surrounded him to go to waste. He is the first "big name" QB to play here since Jimbo. It was exciting. But stats dont lie - he is at best below average now.


Do i think he is a great QB? Absolutly not. WAS HE a great QB? Yes. But the sad thing we must realize is, is that he has lost it. He simply doesnt have it anymore. And please dont compare him to John Elway, hoping he might make the miraculous comback John did. Because that's a once in forever deal.


My main question is, if it wasnt for the "big name", the excitment when he got here, his history as being considered great, etc, etc, would he have any supporters? I dont see why he would. His numbers are awful. He got sacked almost 50 times last year, and is on pace for 64 this year. He threw only 11 TDs last year, and 12 INTS. Compare that with the 1997 Pats, when he threw 28 TDs and a mere 15 INTS (which was preceded by the 1996 season where he threw 27TDs and 15 INTS).  And even compare it to Doug Flutie, who threw 9 TD's last year; all while starting FIVE games.  Bledsoe has 8 good games as a Buffalo Bill (the first 6 in 2002 and the first 2 last year). But folks, just think, what if the name on the back of that Jersey was "Johnson" instead of "Bledsoe". Would you still have this un-dying love for him?


I say:  DB = RJ.



All great points...But I do believe I can "bottom line" this thing as far as Bledsoe is concerned...


27-41 as a Starter from 1999 till 2004...


There are trends and there are facts...Those are some sobering facts... :lol:

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Our entire offensive philosophy, including the OL, is hindered by the Bledsoe Factor.


Our run game is poor because other teams are free to blitz to stop the run on every play. This is worse than team's playing eight in the box because they are shooting the gaps to blow up runs behind the line.


If a play happens to be a pass, then the blitzer continues up the middle where he knows he will find Drew.


Our OL is fighting an uphill battle when we run and pass the ball.


Our run game will improve dramatically as soon as our QB makes some plays, scores some points and forces the defense to call off the constant blitzing.

If its a



Don't you see what you are doing? You frequently cite the "Bledsoe Excuse Makers," but you are now doing the same for an inept collection of garbage that we have called an offensive line for 10 years or so. Personally, I think that they have sucked since the departure of Wolford.


Look, Drew may very well be done. I reluctantly admit this. If this is so, WHY???

Why is this once great qb done? The same reason that RJ is out of football, and the same reason Kelly retired early! The Buffalo Bills Football Team Cannot Block!!!


Cant you see this? Panos, Crafts, Nails, Ostroski, Fina, Farris, Spriggs, Mike Williams with a #4 pick? Who was that 3rd round RT from Stanford? This is a partial list of the stevestojan that has plagued the Bills OL. There are many more. The above is a partial list of the weak junk that we put out to block for a cold weather football team from a blue collar town. It has not mattered who was headcoach nor GM. it was as if blocking was an afterthought to all of them.


So, is Drew finished? He probably is. Feel better? I hope so, but guess what...

Losman will be the next one mauled behind this sack of stevestojan line (and let us not forget the fan favorite running back who might be the worst blocking back in NFL history). We have no 1st round pick in 05 to get protection for him, and Jennings will be long gone. Sounds good?


In the direction you are going, you will be calling for the head of another qb every couple of years.

Enjoy the continuity.

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Bledsoe will never be half the QB Brady is right now.

We need to start the JP thing ASAP!



I'm glad you mentioned that (though I realize bringing up Brady's name in a positive light is akin to TSW suicide. :lol: )


Look I realize Bledsoe is doing his best, he was once a great QB, the O-line is suspect, etc...But what I wonder about the Bledsoe supporters is when watching other solid NFL QB's like Brady, McNabb, Culpepper, McNair, Manning, and the list goes on, what do these folks see in Bledsoe that even remotely reminds them of the better QB's in the league??


Personally I see no resemblence between Drew and the better QB's in the NFL...none whatsoever...I'm not saying he's the worst, because he's not, but there is definitely a wide devide between the QB's in the NFL that so often lead their Teams to victories and DB....a wide devide... B)

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