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Who's for Bledsoe?


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Two things:


- It bugs me when he's called old. Kelly won two AFC Championships and started in two Super Bowls AFTER his 32nd birthday. Drew's not old, and he's NOT done.


- As you know, I attend every home game and microscopically watch the road games. Well, I haven't seen anything resembling a "pocket' yet this year. Yeah, I'm SO glad Ruben departed... I mean, think how badly it might muck things up having a six-time Pro-Bowler at left guard. Valarial's hurt, and that doesn't help. Mike Williams? Head case. [And meanwhile, Kyle McKinney's playing like a block of granite.] Let's be fair ... With our pass protection, Joe Montana in his prime might go 6-10 and get tagged fifty times. Wanted: An O- line!

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I'll ask this question again; How do you KNOW it can't get any worse? What has Shane Matthews shown you in the four weeks he's been with the Bills to make you think he will make our offense better? Was it all the rest he was getting because no other team wanted him?


No actually it was that year off in 2003!! Or was it the whopping 23 starts and 29 games played........IN HIS ENTIRE FREAKIN' 12 year CAREER!! Or perhaps it was those reps he got against 2s and 3s in a quarter of a preseason game running a highly limited piece of the offense!


Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket! Just make a change. Don't think about the efficacy of it. Just do it for change's sake. Run up the white flag. Let the team know you've given up the season after 2 games that could have easily been wins.



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No actually it was that year off in 2003!!  Or was it the whopping 23 starts and 29 games played........IN HIS ENTIRE FREAKIN' 12 year CAREER!!  Or perhaps it was those reps he got against 2s and 3s in a quarter of a preseason game running a highly limited piece of the offense!


Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket!  Just make a change.  Don't think about the efficacy of it.  Just do it for change's sake.  Run up the white flag.  Let the team know you've given up the season after 2 games that could have easily been wins.





29 games in 12 years? :D:D:D


Even though I believe Drew is the individual most responsible for our offensive woes in the past 16 games, no way is Matthews the guy we're looking for to jumpstart this offense. Man even Jeff George as backup would give me more confidence... :w00t:

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It's not like Drew's style is saving him from any hard hits. Didn't he have the league high sacks last year? How many did Vick or McNabb have? Being mobile does save some the Qb from getting sacked as much.


You may want to check out this thread Objective sack statisticsbefore drawing any conclusions. The reality is that there are many QBs who would be considered mobile by most fans and they have nearly as many sacks as Drew this year.


And as these stats show, overall there are many mobile QBs who are sacked more often than Drew. And then there is Manning, who is far from mobile, who is the least sacked per dropback of currrent QBs.


As some have pointed out, Manning is successful because the Colts have spent the money, draft picks etc. on their offense, inlcuding their O-line. But their defense has suffered as a result. For all of their points scored and regular season wins, they have yet to get past the NFC Championship game.


It's tough striking that balance.

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As some have pointed out, Manning is successful because the Colts have spent the money, draft picks etc. on their offense, inlcuding their O-line.  But their defense has suffered as a result. For all of their points scored and regular season wins, they have yet to get past the NFC (sic) Championship game.


It's tough striking that balance.


Absolutely true.


This is another reason why Drew's stats of old may not be relevant to his expectations for the future. When you have a high salary cap figure on your QB, some other portion of the team has to suffer. In that both his teams for the last five years are cold weather organizations, it makes sense that they would develop their defenses first and expect Drew to carry an extra load on offense when it comes to O-line, WR2/3, etc. Since Indy plays in a dome, they're better off creating a lights-out offense that will be just as effective at home in January as they are in September.


This is why I think Indy has no chance this year - their schedule is brutal and getting home playoff games is going to be really tough. They impressed me last week for sure.


Peyton has also had an advantage with his key personnel (the center, tailback, WR1, and offensive coordinator) being of all-pro quality and being consistent throughout his years at the helm in Indy. That surely helps him make good instantaneous decisions when he is forced to, and he isn't forced to do so that often.

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Absolutely true.


Peyton has also had an advantage with his key personnel (the center, tailback, WR1, and offensive coordinator) being of all-pro quality and being consistent throughout his years at the helm in Indy. That surely helps him make good instantaneous decisions when he is forced to, and he isn't forced to do so that often.


This is a very good point. People seem to vastly underestimate the significant impact caused by installing a new offense and the effect that has on the cohesiveness of the offense early on.


Moreover, he has basically been re-programmed in a few short months to play a very different game than he is used to playing. There is an efficency that is achieved through familiarity with the system in general and plays in particular. There is no question that one can make quicker decisons when as a QB you have become comfortable with where receivers will be on a particular play and in view of a particular defensive coverage being deployed.


It will come, and I am very encouraged by what I have seen from the offense so far, by the way Drew has handled the criticism and the way a number of the vets have stepped up to support him. As Mularkey points out, it isn't like the Bills have not been able to move the ball. It is that somewhere along the way, somebody makes a bonehead error that shuts them down. It isn't that they've been outplayed, but that they've beaten themselves. And he is right, you can't correct being dominated beause of lack of talent, but you can correct the ways in which you are beating yourself.

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I Back Bledsoe 100%.... He is NOT done in this league...It may be with yet another team other than Buffalo (Dallas,SanFran, etc..) but before it is all said and done, He will lead a team back to dominance.....


To the shock of all the bashers out there, it will happen one day, one season...

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Call me crazy, but I'm "for" anyone wearing a charging bison on a red helmet.  So yeah, I'm "for" Bledsoe.




Dead on it brother!


Let it be known that the MadCap is in favor of Bledsoe, until the rookie is ready. I have seen what Matthews can do as a starter, and I'd rather have Drew in there.

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I learned about 15 years ago that it just doesn't matter who I think should be on the team or on the field, I have no control over it.  So I root for the guys that the brass puts out there.  For instance, I thought Flutie's style of play was more exciting, win or lose, so I preferred him over RJ.  And while I scratched my head at the decision to start him (RJ) in the Titans playoff game, I cheered just as loudly for him to succeed as I ever did for DOug or Jimbo.


I may have my preferences and my favorites (for instance Brandon Spoon, seemed like he was always near the ball), but I will always root for "my" Bills players.  And when I do disagree with a move or call, I'll voice it, but don't expect me to start ripping away for the sake of hearing my own voice/reading my own posts...


I've found that being a fan is more enjoyable that way.  Few can match my passion for the team (who else has cheered their guts out at a Bills game? <_< ), but passion does not always mean second-guessing and being overly critical.  At the end of the day, whether the Bills win or lose on any given Sunday, we all go off to the same daily routine on Monday.  In short, it really doesn't matter in the big scheme of things.  There will always be next week, there will always be next year, and as long as the good Lord sees fit to keep me around, there will always be me there cheering for my boys.




With age come wisdom, nice post Campy. :)

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I Back Bledsoe 100%.... He is NOT done in this league...It may be with yet another team other than Buffalo (Dallas,SanFran, etc..) but before it is all said and done, He will lead a team back to dominance.....


To the shock of all the bashers out there, it will happen one day, one season...


COO-COO! ALERT!..WHOOP..WHOOP!...Seriously though, when did you get out!
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