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How do you justify this????????


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What the hell is up with Marv Levy. I hate to say it but how in the hell do we hire Dick freakin Jauron over Mike Sherman. Unbelievable.... I really honestly do not know what to do/think.. I could never stand Dick Jauron, with the Bears and everyone ripped on this bum. Now he is the HEAD COACH of the BILLS!!!!!!!!!!! We went from laughing stock of the NFL to just a flat out joke........WOW...I'm embarassed to be a Buffalo Bills fan on the day January 22nd 2006.


And nobody can tell me otherwise or try and tell me how Dick Jauron Mr.We like our players... is a better HC option than Mike Sherman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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There's no way to justify it. He has a very poor record as a head coach and even his defenses over the years have generally been average or worse. Way to show the fanbase and the players that you want to build a winner.


After passing up a coach that 80-90% of the fans wanted for a coach that practically no one wanted, they'd better hope that he wins immediately. If they thought there was a fan mutiny this past season, they haven't seen anything yet if he doesn't.

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There's no way to justify it.  He has a very poor record as a head coach and even his defenses over the years have generally been average or worse.  Way to show the fanbase and the players that you want to build a winner.


After passing up a coach that 80-90% of the fans wanted for a coach that practically no one wanted,  they'd better hope that he wins immediately.  If they thought there was a fan mutiny this past season,  they haven't seen anything yet if he doesn't.



I'm willing to bet that there will be at least one "Fire Jauron" sign in the crowd for the home opener.

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I was hoping for Sherman but now Im not sure that would have been the best choice.


Think about this. Sherman was let go after one losing season in GBay. Why would upper management let him go so fast? He had winning seasons up until that point. My guess is he was not the reason the Packers won- they won on talent and the arm of Favre.


Plus there were a large number of head coaching openings this offseason. 9 or 10 I think but he was not hired by any of those teams. Why would that be. If he was such a great coach he would have been sccoped up in the first few weeks of the offseason but he wasnt. It came down to the Bills who got a late jump on interviews with MM finally quiting 2 weeks ago. Now the Raiders are his last shot and I dont think he is being considered there either.


Sure Marv saw something in Juaron and his Ivy league degree but maybe he saw something in Sherman he didnt like. Marv was brought here to be the voice of reason and use his 50 some years of football experience to help Ralp and turn the Bills around.


Im glad the Bills didnt hire Sherman. I dont know if Juaron was the right choice but I think Sherman would have been the wrong choice.

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Some of us lived in Chicago during the Jauron era. He was brutal and got run out of town. Everyone knew that the 13-3 season was a fluke - look at how they won - and his records before and after that year were terrible. And his press conferences in which he would say absolutely nothing - he'll make GW and MM seem like fountains of information. Hey - Ralph hired his lackey (there was a reason Marv was out of football for 10 years) and Marv hired his. MM was the first rat off a sinking ship.

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I'm done. Consider this fed up ex-Buffalonian finished supporting this trash for an organization. Dicknose Jauron? Please...I'd have rather kept Mularkey.


So, why no Haslett? Why no Sherman? Look at the buffoon of an owner and you'll get these answers.


GO DOLPHINS and f-k the Bills already. I ain't gonna play the fool no more.

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They can take Jauron and I really hate to say it but Levy to. I loved Marv before this move. Just because he is friends he thinks he will be a great head coach!!! Give me a break...



There is no way that Mularkey was a better choice in 03 over Jauron that all of a sudden Jauron is a better choice over Sherman now. I've wanted Sherman from day 1. I thought the hiring of your buddies was over after Donahoe left, but Marv hiring one of his pals pisses me off.


This team is going nowhere fast.

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