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If our next coach can't match wits with BB and NS


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Some Jets fans might be concerned about Mangini's youth and inexperience, but they shouldn't be. He's a whiz kid with 10 years of experience learning from the BEST, perhaps the best of all time.


He understands how to take away what an offense does best. He understands the concepts that have allowed Belichick to exploit a team's weaknesses and minimize whhat they do well. NObody in the league has proven a better ability in this critical area of strategy, and it's a safe bet that Mangini will be a success in this league, if not immediately, then certainly within a short period of time.


Because brains matter most.


Jauron and Sherman are good coaches and good people but they're also both "line up and play" coaches. They're not known as brilliant strategists - they're football fundamentalists. And I don't think they'll have a shot in hell against the other AFC East coaches.


But then again, a deep pessimism has kicked in ever since our addled owner went off on that "up the millimeters" Prozac rant at a formal press conference. I'm not feeling good about the entire franchise from the top down.


For me, it's Kirk Ferentz or bust. And I would have liked Mangini.

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Some Jets fans might be concerned about Mangini's youth and inexperience, but they shouldn't be. He's a whiz kid with 10 years of experience learning from the BEST, perhaps the best of all time.


He understands how to take away what an offense does best. He understands the concepts that have allowed Belichick to exploit a team's weaknesses and minimize whhat they do well. NObody in the league has proven a better ability in this critical area of strategy, and it's a safe bet that Mangini will be a success in this league, if not immediately, then certainly within a short period of time.


Because brains matter most.


Jauron and Sherman are good coaches and good people but they're also both "line up and play" coaches. They're not known as brilliant strategists - they're football fundamentalists. And I don't think they'll have a shot in hell against the other AFC East coaches.


But then again, a deep pessimism has kicked in ever since our addled owner went off on that "up the millimeters" Prozac rant at a formal press conference. I'm not feeling good about the entire franchise from the top down.


For me, it's Kirk Ferentz or bust. And I would have liked Mangini.



Just because you work in the surgery room doesnt mean you can do surgery. The proof is in the results not who you used to hang with.

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Exactly, and guess who won 6 games in a row near the end of his 1st season here?



the seattle game was really the only impressive win in that stretch. we also faced the coachles, QB-less Browns, the coachless, QB-less 9ers, and the coachless, QB-less Dolphins.


THere's half of your Mularkey run right there.

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Yeah, but the Saban run wasn't anything special either. It was preceded by a 22-0 (0!) loss to the Browns, then the hapless Raiders, um, us, The Chargers (quality win), the Jets, Tennessee, and New England behind Matt Cassels. And four of those games were within 4 points.


It's a good first year, but it's not better than Mularkey's. We'll see how he does in the fall.

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the seattle game was really the only impressive win in that stretch. we also faced the coachles, QB-less Browns, the coachless, QB-less 9ers, and the coachless, QB-less Dolphins.


THere's half of your Mularkey run right there.



I don't use that logic. A 6 game win streak is a 6 game win streak in my book. All NFL games are different, and many things are relative to that point in time only. Nobody (bills fans included) thought at the time before the games that we would beat Seattle, St. Louis, Cinci on the road, etc.

Miami, in their streak beat Oakland, the Jets, Tennessee, and us.... It's all the same thing man.

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Some Jets fans might be concerned about Mangini's youth and inexperience, but they shouldn't be. He's a whiz kid with 10 years of experience learning from the BEST, perhaps the best of all time.


He understands how to take away what an offense does best. He understands the concepts that have allowed Belichick to exploit a team's weaknesses and minimize whhat they do well. NObody in the league has proven a better ability in this critical area of strategy, and it's a safe bet that Mangini will be a success in this league, if not immediately, then certainly within a short period of time.


Because brains matter most.


Jauron and Sherman are good coaches and good people but they're also both "line up and play" coaches. They're not known as brilliant strategists - they're football fundamentalists. And I don't think they'll have a shot in hell against the other AFC East coaches.


But then again, a deep pessimism has kicked in ever since our addled owner went off on that "up the millimeters" Prozac rant at a formal press conference. I'm not feeling good about the entire franchise from the top down.


For me, it's Kirk Ferentz or bust. And I would have liked Mangini.



If we're looking for a smart football mind then maybe we should look at someone within our reaches. He may not want to be a HC anymore but Dick LeBeau was the smartest man in the RCA dome on Sunday and I know that Mr. Brady doesn't play well when he's being knocked around.

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I don't use that logic. A 6 game win streak is a 6 game win streak in my book. All NFL games are different, and many things are relative to that point in time only. Nobody (bills fans included) thought at the time before the games that we would beat Seattle, St. Louis, Cinci on the road, etc.

Miami, in their streak beat Oakland, the Jets, Tennessee, and us.... It's all the same thing man.




they also beat the panthers and broncos

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