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Federal Spending Grows "ONLY" 5%

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ADN Reports


That 5% is going to look damn responsible once this "prescription drug benefit" really gets rolling. If you thought the drug companies were soaking you before, just wait until the government starts writing them checks. It's going to be an endless cycle of cost increases. **


Go, go, big government.


But let's spend some more time outlawing smoking in private establishments and pretending that's a good thing.










**Someone please make a note of this because I want outsider proof for 5 years down the road.

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ADN Reports


That 5% is going to look damn responsible once this "prescription drug benefit" really gets rolling.  If you thought the drug companies were soaking you before, just wait until the government starts writing them checks.  It's going to be an endless cycle of cost increases. **


Go, go, big government.


But let's spend some more time outlawing smoking in private establishments and pretending that's a good thing.

**Someone please make a note of this because I want outsider proof for 5 years down the road.


AS per your request, it is duly noted that on December 27, 2005, you made a post that was consistent in tone and message with every other post you have made over the past 4 and a half years. "Government bad, snide remark, no aletrnative approach suggested". Merry Christmas, big guy. Could this be Mack Browns big chance to win a national championship?????

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AS per your request, it is duly noted that on December 27, 2005, you made a post that was consistent in tone and message with every other post you have made over the past 4 and a half years.  "Government bad, snide remark, no aletrnative approach suggested".  Merry Christmas, big guy.  Could this be Mack Browns big chance to win a national championship?????


I've posted ad nauseum about getting the federal government out of such things because it has been proven that them throwing money at problems simply makes the problems more expensive with very little change in benefit (but lots more stuff to campaign to the lemmings with). There's a search feature here, use it. And if you're going to accuse me of something, please be correct: Big, intrusive, overbearing government bad.


It's also nice to see that you can't offer anything at all of substance and would rather continue to stalk after me.


I think USC wins this game and wins it big but games like are generally won by the team that starts off well and doesn't lose momentum. It's a hard game for me to handicap because neither team has played anyone of substance for nearly half a season (USC) or since week one (Texas).


Oh, and ND still beat USC (friggin' officials).

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I've posted ad nauseum about getting the federal government out of such things because it has been proven that them throwing money at problems simply makes the problems more expensive with very little change in benefit (but lots more stuff to campaign to the lemmings with).  There's a search feature here, use it.  And if you're going to accuse me of something, please be correct:  Big, intrusive, overbearing government bad.


It's also nice to see that you can't offer anything at all of substance and would rather continue to stalk after me.


I think USC wins this game and wins it big but games like are generally won by the team that starts off well and doesn't lose momentum.  It's a hard game for me to handicap because neither team has played anyone of substance for nearly half a season (USC) or since week one (Texas).


Oh, and ND still beat USC (friggin' officials).



But ND won't beat OSU. Maybe I'll go visit my buds in LA and watch the Fiesta Bowl in a wonderful, smoke-free bar, provided at no cost by the people of the State of California.


You can go help VA fire-bomb an abortion clinic.... :D

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ADN Reports


Go, go, big government.


But let's spend some more time outlawing smoking in private establishments and pretending that's a good thing.




Since when has the Federal Government ever outlawed smoking in private establishments??? :D Check your facts.

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ADN Reports


That 5% is going to look damn responsible once this "prescription drug benefit" really gets rolling.  If you thought the drug companies were soaking you before, just wait until the government starts writing them checks.  It's going to be an endless cycle of cost increases. **


Go, go, big government.


But let's spend some more time outlawing smoking in private establishments and pretending that's a good thing.

**Someone please make a note of this because I want outsider proof for 5 years down the road.



Medicare is in a much worse crisis than Social Security and yet the only "reform" that has been done lately is to add a multi-billion dollar prescription drug benefit. Especially when the only people signing up are the ones that are going to use it the most. They underestimated the cost when they enacted it and it will only get worse as it goes on.

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But ND won't beat OSU.  Maybe I'll go visit my buds in LA and watch the Fiesta Bowl in a wonderful, smoke-free bar, provided at no cost by the people of the State of California.

We'll see. It's funny that you're talking about going to a city with some of the filthiest air in the country so you can attend a smoke free bar. Typical California politics.


You can go help VA fire-bomb an abortion clinic.... :D


Don't loop me in with the zealots. While I think abortion is disgusting, I also think it should be legal - and expanded to include retroactivity. :D

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Medicare is in a much worse crisis than Social Security and yet the only "reform" that has been done lately is to add a multi-billion dollar prescription drug benefit.  Especially when the only people signing up are the ones that are going to use it the most.  They underestimated the cost when they enacted it and it will only get worse as it goes on.


That's the way our government fundamentally works. The best part is that it was bipartisan legislation, so it's both evil AND stupid.

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Please find the word federal government in the sentence you're referring to.  :lol:



Isn't in the sentence, but to be fair, read the topic title. "Federal."


The federal gov't isn't spending time discussing smoking in bars, to the detriment of putting our country in deeper and deeper deficits b/c we have a president who calls himself a fiscal conservative and yet refuses to make serious efforts to balance the books.


This country is headed for some SERIOUS trouble when the accumulated bills come due.

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Federal spending growing by 5% is small potatoes, the real scary fact from this story is:

This is !@#$ing crazy...



At the state level, it's even worse.


The spending on things like highway improvement and NASA is meager compared to the social support system (I could probably even stomach the safety net situations!) provided by the government.


You want a solution: start cutting off the milk flowing through the tit. Just that. The frustration is that people don't place a priority on cutting spending.

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We'll see.  It's funny that you're talking about going to a city with some of the filthiest air in the country so you can attend a smoke free bar.  Typical California politics.

Don't loop me in with the zealots.  While I think abortion is disgusting, I also think it should be legal - and expanded to include retroactivity.  :lol:



Oh my God (pun intended) Darin, don't challenge me on LA. I lived there for 10 years. Redondo Beach - virtually all the beach cities- have extrodinarily clean air. All the crap blows inland. That's where I hung out.

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Please find the word federal government in the sentence you're referring to.  :lol:



Now you're playing games. There is FEDERAL in your post title. FEDERAL referred to in the link (Federal spending). If you knew that your sentence did not apply to the FEDERAL government, it had no place in your post. :o:lol:0:):huh:

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Isn't in the sentence, but to be fair, read the topic title. "Federal."


I don't have to read the topic. I wrote it. Big government and the mentality that it solves problems is not exclusive to the federal level. Quite the contrary, as should be obvious from my tiresome diatribes on the subject.


The federal gov't isn't spending time discussing smoking in bars, to the detriment of putting our country in deeper and deeper deficits b/c we have a president who calls himself a fiscal conservative and yet refuses to make serious efforts to balance the books.


This country is headed for some SERIOUS trouble when the accumulated bills come due.

You're right, they aren't. And it's the fact that people like you are willing to concentrate on minutia that guarantees that it will continue unabated. Let's pretend I said "Steroids in baseball" so that you can more closely understand the concept.


It doesn't matter who is President or which of these corrupt parties control "Parliment" because the both govern in exactly the same fashion, with many of the same masters.

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Now you're playing games.  There is FEDERAL in your post title.  FEDERAL referred to in the link (Federal spending).  If you knew that your sentence did not apply to the FEDERAL government, it had no place in your post.  :lol:  :lol:  0:)  :o


Not really. You're desperately trying to win a semantic game (like backpeddling to Redondo Beach when I was critical of LA's air quality).


At the end of the day all levels of government take for granted the fact that they can screw the public by keeping them playing tiddliwinks over minutia while ignoring the bigger picture. Sorry that was so difficult to get to.

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I don't have to read the topic.  I wrote it.  Big government and the mentality that it solves problems is not exclusive to the federal level.  Quite the contrary, as should be obvious from my tiresome diatribes on the subject.

You're right, they aren't.  And it's the fact that people like you are willing to concentrate on minutia that guarantees that it will continue unabated.  Let's pretend I said "Steroids in baseball" so that you can more closely understand the concept.


It doesn't matter who is President or which of these corrupt parties control "Parliment" because the both govern in exactly the same fashion, with many of the same masters.


I am willing to back up your claim that your diatribes are indeed tiresome.

I always have your back compadre. :lol:

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Not really.  You're desperately trying to win a semantic game (like backpeddling to Redondo Beach when I was critical of LA's air quality).


At the end of the day all levels of government take for granted the fact that they can screw the public by keeping them playing tiddliwinks over minutia while ignoring the bigger picture.  Sorry that was so difficult to get to.



Semantic game?? Dude, you're losing it. Redondo Beach has good air quality. That's where I'd be. Your analogy doesn't hold, since I would not be in a city with the "filthiest air in the country so can attend a smoke free bar". That's quite straightforward.


As for the rest, well, go ahead and play coy, I guess, but we both know what you were implying, whether you admit it or not... :lol:

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But ND won't beat OSU.  Maybe I'll go visit my buds in LA and watch the Fiesta Bowl in a wonderful, smoke-free bar, provided at no cost by the people of the State of California.


You can go help VA fire-bomb an abortion clinic.... :lol:



ND is going to put up 50 in a blowout against OSU.


OSU motto: In Terry Porter we trust.

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