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"Levy Return Isn't In Works"

Mark VI

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No shiat. Anyone "Dawgged" enough to want an 80 year old to coach the team should have their head examined.




The Senator sees his shrink every other Friday. :doh:


BTW, some might see Marv's most recent statement as evidence that something IS afoot. I'm not saying I see it that way...but, some moght.

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The Senator sees his shrink every other Friday.  :doh:


BTW, some might see Marv's most recent statement as evidence that something IS afoot.  I'm not saying I see it that way...but, some moght.



Yes, well, delusional thinking can be hard to kick, I hear.

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This is simply the ramblings of a lonely man who desperately wants the attention of the NFL community. Just as he "announced" his availibility to coach again some time ago when no one was asking for his services (with his pleas for work going unanswered), Marv has thrown his hat into ring with the windmills.


Question, is Marv the ONLY HoF coach to never have been asked/begged to "unretire"?

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This is simply the ramblings of a lonely man who desperately wants the attention of the NFL community.  Just as he "announced" his availibility to coach again some time ago when no one was asking for his services (with his pleas for work going unanswered), Marv has thrown his hat into ring with the windmills.


Question, is Marv the ONLY HoF coach to never have been asked/begged to "unretire"?


No I am pretty sure that George Allen was not asked to unretire after he made it to the HOF. :doh:

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The Senator sees his shrink every other Friday.  :doh:


BTW, some might see Marv's most recent statement as evidence that something IS afoot.  I'm not saying I see it that way...but, some might.


Ya know, Dean, you're back in "Boys' Town" less than 6 months, and already you're talkin' 'bout golden showers! :lol:


Seriously, I was on this "Bring Back Marv" crusade 2 years ago - and I remain convinced that Marv would have been better than the non-entity we call Coach Mularkey. IMHO, Marv is a man that seasoned veterans would respect and younger players would revere. Marv would never "lose his team" - there'd be no Adams- or Moulds-like incidents, and McGahee wouldn't be clamoring to get outa BuffTown.


Oh well, maybe I AM crazy, but I'd still like to see 'The Marvelous One' reprise the glory years and bring some dignity and respect back the this once-storied franchise.


Bring back Marv.

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" After I spoke Monday, I sort of regret bringing it up. I wish I hadn't said it. I can say on the record that I have had no contact with the Bills . " - Marv


We now return to our regularly scheduled programming...



The thought that Marv Levy, God love him, is the only man on Earth that can have Head Coaching success in Buffalo is really starting to annoy me...It also tells me a lot about the decisions made since Marv left (not that Wade was that bad...but he was an extention of Marv)...But anyway...


Let's move on please...There are plenty of great candidates for HC of the Buffalo Bills...And for a head start I'll even give RW step #1 for free...Don't let TD pick the HC...Enough said... :doh:

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This is simply the ramblings of a lonely man who desperately wants the attention of the NFL community.  Just as he "announced" his availibility to coach again some time ago when no one was asking for his services (with his pleas for work going unanswered), Marv has thrown his hat into ring with the windmills.


Question, is Marv the ONLY HoF coach to never have been asked/begged to "unretire"?





Seriously what the heck is your beef with Marv. Now I'm not saying that he should come coach here but you always make him out to look like a person that shouldnt deserve to ever walk the sidelines. I dont get why your always so sh------- with Marv. Lonely man....rambling??? Whatever. Actually he was talked to by Chicago before Lovie was heard and I know that for a fact because I know many Bears fans in Chicago.

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Ya know, Dean, you're back in "Boys' Town" less than 6 months, and already you're talkin' 'bout golden showers! :doh:


Seriously, I was on this "Bring Back Marv" crusade 2 years ago - and I remain convinced that Marv would have been better than the non-entity we call Coach Mularkey.  IMHO, Marv is a man that seasoned veterans would respect and younger players would revere.  Marv would never "lose his team" - there'd be no Adams- or Moulds-like incidents, and McGahee wouldn't be clamoring to get outa BuffTown.


Oh well, maybe I AM crazy, but I'd still like to see 'The Marvelous One' reprise the glory years and bring some dignity and respect back the this once-storied franchise.


Bring back Marv.




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Guest BackInDaDay
This is simply the ramblings of a lonely man who desperately wants the attention of the NFL community.  Just as he "announced" his availibility to coach again some time ago when no one was asking for his services (with his pleas for work going unanswered), Marv has thrown his hat into ring with the windmills.



What did he do.. sign your program "Best wishes, Merv" ? :doh:

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Really there is like no respect or gratitude coming from SDS at all towards Marv.



If you want to continue your Marv ball-washing, go right ahead. You can choose to "forget" some real issues he had as a head coach and what transpired during his tenure.


However, since Marv refuses to keep his name out of the news and since some fans keep dredging his name up (while clearly having a vision of his time spent in Buffalo that never really existed) - some of us are forced to remind people of the warts. And there WERE warts. Plenty of them. If the discussion is going to continue on why he should be brought back, then it is perfectly acceptable to discuss the bad along with the idealized fantasies.


I only talk about my opinion of Marv when others try to jam some goofy-assed angelic view of him down my throat. Personally, I wish he would just enjoy his retirement and I wish fans would just let the past go and look to the future, so we don't have to have these kinds of discussions.

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