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Since the Bills have been disappointing ...


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I am sticking with my prediction of the Broncos and Panthers (I still think Peyton implodes in the playoffs) in the Super Bowl...that said, I kind of find myself rooting for the Bengals. Not because they were once grand losers, but because their success reminds me of the late 80's, the last time the Bengals were good, and the Bills were coming on. Went to a Bills/Bengals game in 1989, one of the best games I have ever been to. Both teams were great back then...kind of fun seeing those ugly helmets again...

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As LT is on my fantasy squad I've found myself watching quite a bit of San Diego this year and love watching their offense even more so than the Colts. LT is like Barry Sanders with a nose for short yardage in addition to his fine open field running, Brees distributes well and uses the entire field and McCardell is a quality WR that doesn’t get the recognition he deserves.


The key to this offense is Gates though, he’s nearly unstoppable. No CB is big enough to cover him and no S or LB is fast enough. He has the softest hands I’ve ever seen on a TE and always catches the ball away from his body. As much as I like watching LT I enjoy watching Gates even more. If he ever improves his blocking he’ll be the most dominant TE the NFL has seen in a long long time.


If the D was mediocre I'd give them a shot at upsetting the Colts. As it is, the Colts will ring up 40+ points against the Chargers in a few weeks.

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I watch other games, but more from a perspective of who I want to see lose. For instance, I watch the Pats and Doplhins game to hopefully see someone, anyone , kill em.


I watch some Dallas games cause I have ALWYS hated them as well, even pre Drew.


I also love to see the Skins and Stillers lose cause I have so many friends from those respective cities.


As far as watching another team to see if they win? Nope doesn't happen with me. In reality , I hate every team outside the Bills, and once the Bills are out of it wish they would just call the season so nobody could win the SB!!!!!


Now, I'm taking my ball and going home

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I simply watch the most competitive game of the week - once the BILLS game is over. 


Plus I root for the Patriots to spontaneously combust.  Not lose in dramatic fashion, actually catch on fire for no reason.




Translation: I’m a closet Seahawks fan.

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well being stuck in Toronto, we get the the simulcast game from Buffalo on the Global TV affiliate. That means we get stuck with the Bills even though GLOBAL TV could pick up any other game (last weeks Cinci/Pitt game would have been nice).


Even worse they picked up the Jets/Pats late game...arghhhh.

Watching the Pats was fine, but not this year as they are boring to watch also.

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