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PETA at it again


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Oh... That also brings me to the WKRP show... Remember when Herb was trying to convince Les what side he was on.


Herb: The whole world is in revolution, and not just here, but everywhere. And you know who's at war?

Les: No.

Herb: It's the dungarees versus the suits, Les. The whole world is in two armed camps - over here, we have the dungarees, and over here the suits. Remember the riots from the sixties? It was the dungarees versus the suits. And then Watergate. Those guys arrested were wearing dungarees, and who suffered for it?

Les: The suits!

Herb: Exactly!

Les: But there were issues, Herb.

Herb: The issues, issues, were a smokescreen. Now listen. When a son disobeys his father, what's he wearing?

Les: The son? Uh... dungarees!

Herb: And what's the father got on?

Les: Probably a suit!

Herb: D'ya see what I mean, Les?

Les: Yeah!

Herb: And do you know what's worse?

Les: What?

Herb: The fathers are beginning to wear dungarees too!

Les: That's right!

Herb: And so are the mothers!

Les: It's just like "The Bodysnatchers"!


Les: Herb, do you know who I think is behind all this?

Herb: Who?

Les: Levi Strauss!

Herb: Could be.




I know this belongs on Off the Wall and not PPP, but when the h*ll are they going to release WKRP on DVD?!?!?

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Oh... That also brings me to the WKRP show... Remember when Herb was trying to convince Les what side he was on.


Herb: The whole world is in revolution, and not just here, but everywhere. And you know who's at war?

Les: No.

Herb: It's the dungarees versus the suits, Les. The whole world is in two armed camps - over here, we have the dungarees, and over here the suits. Remember the riots from the sixties? It was the dungarees versus the suits. And then Watergate. Those guys arrested were wearing dungarees, and who suffered for it?

Les: The suits!

Herb: Exactly!

Les: But there were issues, Herb.

Herb: The issues, issues, were a smokescreen. Now listen. When a son disobeys his father, what's he wearing?

Les: The son? Uh... dungarees!

Herb: And what's the father got on?

Les: Probably a suit!

Herb: D'ya see what I mean, Les?

Les: Yeah!

Herb: And do you know what's worse?

Les: What?

Herb: The fathers are beginning to wear dungarees too!

Les: That's right!

Herb: And so are the mothers!

Les: It's just like "The Bodysnatchers"!


Les: Herb, do you know who I think is behind all this?

Herb: Who?

Les: Levi Strauss!

Herb: Could be.




I just watched to see Lonnie Anderson. I was just young enough to ignore the script and just old enough to be impressed. :(

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Let me take a crack at it.


It is subliminal KD.  ;)  ;)


You weren't supposed to notice it.  Your "Daddy" is also "The Man"... By representing him as "a suit."


:doh:  :D


Again, paint me as a "whacked out liberal" but, this sh*t (PETA) is just flat out lunacy.




Yes, you hit the nail right on the head, though to call it subliminal is giving them way too much credit. But I'm glad to see that even a whacked our liberal like yourself can recognize it. ;)




p.s. Bailey....Mmmmmmm.....



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