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What does "servicable" mean exactly??? Does that mean you win the battle in the trenches or you lose?  Does that mean you have a Super Bowl caliper line or does it mean you have 8-8 potential +/- the bounce of a pointy ball?


Maybe I feel I have a greater perespective of this since I have been actively observing the conversation about the OL for 7 years now. One thing I can tell you is that Bills fans have been bitching about it perinially for 10+ years.


So, if your point is that you are striving for a mediocre line that gets us the occasional WC birth and a 1st round exit in the playoffs, then fine you made your point.


If your point is that our OL mess was NOT an issue before TD's arrival, then you are wrong.


The Butler ball-washing/revisionist history needs to stop.  He inherited a Super Bowl team, but only achieved uninspired success that faded as his tenure progressed.



Servicable means- We can get by with them due to the abilities of others around them. Wouldn't you think with McGahee,Evans,Moulds we would have a bit more success? Either those 3 aren't that good, or the line is absolutely horrid. Considering Fina's wunderlick probably equals that of our entire line, that could have a little to do with being servicable as well.


Say what you want Wolford-Ritcher-Hull-Davis-Ballard A

Fina-Brown-Ostroski-Panos-(Crap) C

Gandy-Anderson-Teague-Villarial-Peters D-

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Servicable means- We can get by with them due to the abilities of others around them. Wouldn't you think with McGahee,Evans,Moulds we would have a bit more success? Either those 3 aren't that good, or the line is absolutely horrid. Considering Fina's wunderlick probably equals that of our entire line, that could have a little to do with being servicable as well.


Say what you want  Wolford-Ritcher-Hull-Davis-Ballard    A

                              Fina-Brown-Ostroski-Panos-(Crap)  C

                              Gandy-Anderson-Teague-Villarial-Peters  D-



Please define "we can get by".


I still have no idea if you want an 8-8 team or you want championship caliber team. Lots of people will have better numbers if you upgrade a unit, but at the end of the day what do you hope to achieve?


We haven't even won the stinking division in 10 years and that overlaps two GM's and boatload of o-linemen.

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Please define "we can get by".


I still have no idea if you want an 8-8 team or you want championship caliber team.  Lots of people will have better numbers if you upgrade a unit, but at the end of the day what do you hope to achieve?


We haven't even won the stinking division in 10 years and that overlaps two GM's and boatload of o-linemen.



I hear you SDS....I'm not saying Butler's crew was Super Bowl winning, I just can't understand why you are sticking up for Donahoe and bashing Butler to such a big extent. If I had to take one over the other, I would rather have Butler/Wade/et al versus the marketing machine we've seen with Donahoe. I don't post very often, but if you go back to March-September I was warning of what a dog and pony show the front office has become and my lack of trust in Mularkey having the personality to understand individuals well enough to get the most out of them on the field. I think Mularkey is a good guy and means well, and I don't think Donahoe is evil...but to his own admission, Donahoe is more of a CEO than a meat and potatoes guy like Butler.


The one thing that the previous administration valued that this one doesn't is intelligence and character. Peters was a FA because he can't spell his name. Willis can't wait to get out of Buffalo, and that is a fact. Instead of a "Guess Who's Back" tattoo, how about a charging buffalo inked into your skin? Your bread and butter player would look at you goofy if you asked him how to get to Cheektowaga, but he could tell you what day he becomes a free agent.


Enough griping on my part...I need a beer.

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