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Jerry Sullivan responds to my e-mail


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I think his response would fit perfectly in Kelly (the unbalanced) Dog's thread.  It's not that we don't necessarily disagree with Sully's position, it's his own use of false arguments to back his position that get to some of us.


Yes, Jerry, your job is to continually question the powers that be.  But, you could have easily framed the article in the tone of his response to Promo and would have looked much more credible.



Sadly enough being "credible" isn't the point. Would anybody be discussing his articles if he didn't take the tone he takes? Perhaps a few, but he wouldn't have nearly the name recognition he has by going way overboard...and unfortunately "name recognition" equals payday and that's the name of the game.


As long as readers continuously talk about his articles the guy will always have a job and most likely get a better job at some point. The same can’t be said of other writers who do a solid job but whose articles don’t have a recognizable flavor.

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So I know i'm an a-hole



Well put...


Now if Sully would say the same thing about himself from time to time, more people would probably respect his opinion.


For example, rather than slamming TD alone, he could say something balanced like "every knowledgeable NFL observer, including myself, thought Big Mike was the right pick at the time." Instead, we get "TD's an overrated dick who can't evaluate talent."


Pure BS, but it sells newspapers....sigh.

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Everybody thinks he's an a-hole. Not just because he's a constant whiner, but because he's an a-hole. Some people are just jerks, and he's one. People in his own profession don't like him because he's not a balanced editorializer or reporter. He's always looking for a particular negative angle.


People with no talent tend to do that, this guy is a scrub

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Question for you, Todd (and everyone else)... how about the flip side? Those journalists (and there are quite a few) who just constantly drink kool-aid and write fluffy, glowing articles about every single move the Bills make?


They aren't all that balanced either.


Are they a-holes?



Everybody thinks he's an a-hole. Not just because he's a constant whiner, but because he's an a-hole. Some people are just jerks, and he's one. People in his own profession don't like him because he's not a balanced editorializer or reporter. He's always looking for a particular negative angle.


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Question for you, Todd (and everyone else)... how about the flip side?  Those journalists (and there are quite a few) who just constantly drink kool-aid and write fluffy, glowing articles about every single move the Bills make? 


They aren't all that balanced either. 


Are they a-holes?


I challenge you to find one fluffy glowing article about the Bills right now. There hasn't been one since week one, and it was probably written by Jerry Sullivan!



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What was the email you sent him?


"General Manager Tom Donahoe, who would make a fine poker player, did the wise thing on draft day. After all the speculation about trading down, he stayed in the No. 4 slot and nabbed offensive tackle Mike Williams, who should be a mammoth mainstay for years to come. "


"Donahoe has done a terrific job filling holes on his team, adding depth and skill through free agency. But if you're going to win the Super Bowl, you need a core of players who went high in the draft. Williams is a good start."


"One thing is fairly certain. No one will be howling about Donahoe failing to address his offensive line."


Who wrote these optimistic observations of the Buffalo Bills general manager? Why, none other than one Jerry Sullivan on April 21, 2002! How can Mr. Sullivan take Tom Donahoe to task for drafting Mike Williams, when Jerry himself was leading the parade for Mike?


If we are going to judge Tom Donahoe's draft picks in hindsight, then perhaps we should do the same with the columns of Jerry Sullivan.




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Do you enjoy listening to Matthews?  I always find it hard to listen to because his takes are so off-base.  That and the fact that every print media guy seems to have problems pronouncing guys names I've heard a thousand times.


I enjoy listening to Matthews becuase he is one-of-a-kind. He's a smart guy but he sounds like can't put a sentence together. He's so blunt and off-the-cuff, he is hilarious at times. Also, he never hangs up on anyone who disagrees with him, unlike some Buffalo sports hosts. His show is the only sort-of Buffalo sports talk I can hear in NH.


Also Bob is the only guy who can say Rochester New York in just three sylables: "Roch-ster-Nyork"



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We tend to be optimistic at the start. It's not my job to evaluate college players. Certainly I reserve the right to change my opinion as events occur. Believe me, Tom Donahoe was questioning his own pick within a year or two after taking Mike Williams. The guys in charge change their minds, too. Their jobs depend on being right most of the time. Yes, mine is to second-guess. Donahoe rues the day he ever had to pay the guy the money. But I'm supposed to stay quiet because I give these people the benefit of the doubt at the beginning? You can find similar comments about Gregg Williams, Kevin Gilbride, even Donahoe himself. If you're going to be such a diligent critic of newspaper writing, you should know by now that's how the game is played. Thanks for taking such an intense interest. I wish more readers were like you.


So basically he admits that guys who write editorials basically have the easiest job in the entire world. Basically they watch sports and write what they think afterwards. There is absolutely nothing at stake. They bash or praise anyone as strongly as they want. And if they're wrong, they are not to be held accountable because "that's how the game is played."


In other words, every single one of us could do his job. Awesome, time to brush up my resume.


Dear Buffalo News,


Please give me Jerry Sullivan's job. I will do it for $10,000 less than whatever you are paying him annually. I feel I am just as qualified to express sports opinions that have a 50-50 chance of being right, and to switch back and forth between praising and criticizing athletes and coaches as necessary.


Your new writer,


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Question for you, Todd (and everyone else)... how about the flip side?  Those journalists (and there are quite a few) who just constantly drink kool-aid and write fluffy, glowing articles about every single move the Bills make? 


They aren't all that balanced either. 


Are they a-holes?



No, those mythical beasts you are referring to are called "Homers."

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What is wrong with you people?

He does point out a lot of truths about this Buffalo Bills organization.

Why must anyone who says one bad thing about this organization be branded an a-hole?


It's not just Sully, it's anyone that speaks negative of the Bills on this board.


Read Sullivan's column about Williams, then read Chuck Pollock's column on the same subject. They're saying essentially the same thing, but somehow Pollock manages to omit the snide cheapshots.


I'll take my negativity without the side order of personal attacks, thanks... which is why I prefer Pollock's writing to Sullivan's. Just my opinion.

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Allen Wilson, Len Pasquarelli, Chris Mortensen, and to an extent even Mark Gaughan.


You're kidding, right?


Allen Wilson is a reporter, not a columnist. The difference is reporters report facts. Columnists offer opinions. The so-called "fluffy" stories are just factual reports. Gaughan is certainly less negative than Sullivan. I guess that makes him a homer in your book.


Mortensen and Pass-the donuts are national people who have no reason kiss anyone's rear at One Bills Drive.



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They absolutely do. LennyP and Donahoe are best friends from their Pittsburgh days (LP is from Pitt) and Mortensen has grown close to Donahoe after his year off at ESPN.


Mortensen and Pass-the donuts are national people who have no reason kiss anyone's rear at One Bills Drive.




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