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Unexpectedly BAD movies


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From a couple years ago: "Lost in Translation". A few us sat down to watch it after hearing it was up for some academy awards and ended up wanting 2 1/2 hours of our life back. No clue how that piece got nominated for awards.



I was gonna mention that one. I am a HUGE Bill Murray fan, and I was excited to see it when it was getting rave reviews and up for a bunch of awards. I definitely missed the point, if there was one.

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Try reading the book, then think about the movie.

Then go smoke a doob, turn out the lights, turn the phone off, go watch it again. :huh:


For it's time the special effects were both clever and superb. You did know that H-A-L was I-B-M, right?


For me, I was extremely disappointed that Asimov's entire premise for robotics was destroyed in I, Robot.


Another SF movie, Starship Troopers took a great Heinlein novel, essentially Jarheads of the future, and reduced it to "let's smash bugs". I would really like to see someone do his Stranger in a Strange Land, but only if they did it RIGHT!


The other thread was pretty good so how about unexpectedly bad movies?


Mine is 2001: A Space Odyssey


I only recently saw this.  All I have to say is LAME!


It was supposed to be one of the all time great science fiction movies but:


No Aliens visible.  EVER!!!!!!!


No lasers


A computer that talks but doesn't sound like a robot (and also has a stupid name)


Was there even a story line?


If I want that music, I'll just hop in an elevator


At least please throw in a hot chick in a space suit


What movie did you think would be good but it ended up stinking?  Even though 2001 was definitely horrible, please pick another one or this thread will be boring.


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I'll throw "Godsend" out there.....what the hell was this piece of crap? And what the hell was Kinnear thinking? DeNiro? HORRIBLE film.

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HEAT. DeNiro and Pacino in one of the absolute worst POS movies I've ever seen. In one scene they are sitting at a table talking to each other (supposedly) and all I can think of is, "These guys really SUCK here." Terrible, terrible acting. It's not unusual to see Pacino suck out loud...but DeNiro?

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This may be controversial here, but for me, it's "Beetlejuice".


I had such high hopes for that film, because of Michael Keaton, but I thought it was just a big, unorganized mess. I guess the film's not supposed to make any sense, because it sure as heck didn't.



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Rock, I believe Assimov puked in his grave to see what they did to the laws of robotics....



The worst movie lately I have seen is Ocean's 12. I kind of fell asleep in the middle, but did I dream it, or did the Julia Roberts character actually pose as the actual Fart in the wind known as Julia Roberts?? L-A-M-E...

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