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Panthers Cheerleaders arrested

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If you're wondering how a girl can be 5'-3" tall and weigh 136 lbs and still be a cheerleader, this photo should provide the answer (you can see where the extra weight is on her bod). BTW, that's her partner in the center.




Also, a funny article from today's Austin newspaper:


Barroom bathroom fracas leads to arrests


By John Kelso


Tuesday, November 8, 2005


A couple of cheerleaders for the NFL's Carolina Panthers may have broken the cardinal rule of bar bathroom behavior early Sunday morning when police said patrons complained the two had sex in the john at Banana Joe's, a club in downtown Tampa.


The cardinal rule of saloon john etiquette is thou shalt not dawdle. Why? Because there are other people waiting to get in, and they don't care how much fun you're having in there.


So you don't engage in activities in the bathroom that can take up to 20 minutes (OK, so eight), not including cigarette. It's just not considerate.


This story, reported by The Associated Press, has everything a guy wants except the free peanuts.


This all started when bar customers were waiting to get into the stall occupied by a couple of Panthers cheerleaders. When the people waiting to get in became impatient, all hell broke loose in the women's room. One cheerleader is charged with battery, giving a false name and causing harm to another. Seems she socked a woman and gave her a black eye.


"There was general yelling going on in the bathroom, and this woman was standing there and got punched in the eye," said Laura McElroy, a spokeswoman for the Tampa police.


The other cheerleader was charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest without violence, McElroy said.


It's not that I mind women who enjoy each other's company enjoying each other's company. It's just that there's a time and a place for everything, and a public bathroom in a bar is not that place. Unless there's nobody outside the door hollering, "Did somebody die in there?"


The Panthers cheerleaders, by the way, are called the TopCats. Even I won't swing at a fat pitch like that.


Why didn't these two TopCats just go down the road to Motel 4? That would have solved the problem. Hey, if this had been a classy organization like the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, this wouldn't have happened. I'm betting they would have booked a room at the Hilton. The Panthers didn't return calls.


It's funny how this sort of stuff happens in bars with funny names like Banana Joe's, isn't it? You wouldn't expect this to occur in Esmerelda's Tea Room, would you?


We shouldn't be surprised that NFL cheerleaders would be involved in this kind of fracas, though. Has an alleged NFL cheerleader ever uttered an actual cheer in the history of the league? They're not cheerleaders. They're drool leaders.


But what drives me nuts is that these women weren't thinking about their fellow citizens. You'd think they'd be a little more thoughtful. So here are some handy tips y'all should observe when you use the john so you won't inconvenience your bar neighbors who are raring to go:


* Hand dryer isn't working and the towel dispenser is out of paper? Wipe your hands on your pants, and beat it.


* Do your nails in the truck, OK?


* Avoid any time-consuming activities that require battery-powered equipment or plug-in power tools.


* If you have to turn on all the water taps and let them run to keep people from hearing you, it's probably not a good thing.

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I sense a book and a cable TV movie in the making...




This is well beyond book and cable...this is a product line...."Pom poms gone wild" baby....


The blonde is a local girl all you Triangle residents...one of Pittsboro's finest....

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Am I the only one who finds it ironic that a bunch of women at the club were bitching because the sex was taking too long? Since when do women B word because it's taking too long to have sex?


Dollar to donuts if a man was involved in this they'd all be bitching that the sex didn't last long enough.



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If you're wondering how a girl can be 5'-3" tall and weigh 136 lbs and still be a cheerleader, this photo should provide the answer (you can see where the extra weight is on her bod). BTW, that's her partner in the center.







Wow. Looks like she opted for the cannonball inserts instead of saline. :devil:

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Best news in a while :






It was mearly a matter of time.


ION, Tony Kornholer was saying it was unfair for the team to fire them for thier actions. He says it shouldn't matter what they do as long as they did it outside of work. Can't say I agree. If I were to be arrested for such action, I could probably be fired too. In fact, someone got fired here for stealing from the store down the street...

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