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Too many posters here seriously BLOW!!!!


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I tried, but i couldnt leave this gem of a post alone.


Listen guy, do you SEE the irony in your posts?


You took your time IN FRONT OF A COMPUTER, making one of the most rediculous things i have ever seen.


You bring it here, we tell you that my dog could eat crayons, and then crap them out on paper and it would look better, and you start crying about how we spend too much time on the computer?


The irony is so thick its hard to breath.


Why don't you get a life, loser, upgrade to Photoshop, because the "creation" you made with Microsoft paintbrush fugging blows, and get a little thicker skin...


wow, if i ever had a son and he turned out to be this big of a pansy, I'd take him out back and put an end to him.



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