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"you gotta ride the horse, baby"?


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When I hear comments like that, it tells me you're not a true dyed in the wool old school football fan. I've heard "casual fans" (usually football challenged and disinterested women)say how much they like the dances. I guess when you can't grasp the basic concepts and rules of the game, those silly little softshoe numbers are probably your favorite part of the event.


Those sort of antics are best left for the idiocy of WWF wrestling.


Football does not need comedy added to it. It is arguably the greatest team sport on the planet and having it's integrity compromised by those celebrations rubs me the wrong way. It also makes the participants look like total fools.


What's always amazed me is how athletes like Deion Sanders try so hard to be ultra cool, and then he does the f'ing gayest dance since the Cristina Ricca bowling alley scene in Buffalo '66. Deion's faggy little dance against Buffalo a few years ago now lives on in commercial ads as the computerized image plastic faced Burger King.


Maybe Willis's horsey act will be computerized and turned into an Arby's commerical. "Want some horsey sauce with that sir?"



and for the record i laughed my ass off when i first saw the bk commercial...so sorry i enjoy my time on earth..and whoever entertains me..im all for it

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Willis's end zone antics didn't bother me. I hate any kind of taunting - that's bad sportsmanship, but don't have a problem with a quick, simple celebration.

People are different - some will celebrate, some won't. Why should we judge one or the other.


Hmmmmm. I guess I'm a "football challenged and disinterested woman".


So, I'll have to stop spending all that money flying to football games, cancel my DirecTV and go to the mall on sunday afternoons.



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how cool would it be if our stud running back would just flip the ball to the ref and jog back to the sideline after a TD like it was his JOB to do that?  i know showboating expected in today's NFL, but that was embarrassing. 


of course, when one of your "team leaders" celebrates getting off the field on third down by doing the friggin lambeau leap vs. miami, you should pretty much expect what we got from mcgahee after that score.


i honestly think these guys would do the team a favor by toning it down a little.  personally, i think it's totally BADASS to just act like it's just another day at the office when you make big plays.  it's like my 2nd favorite coach (after marv)says:  winning is an attitude.  when you go berserk just because you've done your job, that tells the world that it is UNUSUAL for you to do so...NOT how a would-be playoff team should behave, imo.


maybe it is asking too much, but i want this team to carry itself like, "well, yeah, OF COURSE we scored on your asses!"  then i'll know we have real leadership, and that these guys truly believe.


yea seriously man, lighten up, its 2005 for god sakes!

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Worst ever...  Greg Lloyd on all 4's acting like a dog pissing on San Diego QB.  (During AFC championship game which Pittsburgh lost)  He never got fined for that crap.




Unless Greg Lloyd was ripping his act off, the "pissing dog" routine was actually John Randle (Vikings) starring as the pissing dog, and I believe, Steve Young as the fire hydrant....it wasn't Greg Lloyd.


Anyways, I think this whole TD celebration thing seems to be a personal thing. I don't particularly like it, but I don't feel as threatened by it as some folks. I was at a bar in Austin, watching the game with about 30 other Bills fans on a huge screen. It was fun, got the whole bar pumped up....if I had been sitting at home watching from my couch, I might have felt different. As Aussie (I think) astutely pointed out, a lot of that stuff happens because the players are feeding off the emotion of the crowd. What is the harm? If they look stupid, that is their problem, they will have to live with it...


As a kid, I used to love it when Mike Foligno would score a goal for the Sabres, and then do his "Rifleman" routine. That didn't seem to bother anyone, and got the Aud rumbling every time...

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