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Looks like Tedy Bruschi returns

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That's funny.  I was under the impression that Bruschi and the team have told the press that Bruschi's stroke was caused by a small hole in his heart that had always been there, and not by any football-related activities.


That don't make it fact, though.

So what would be fact, if not words straight from the mouth of the stroke victim himself?

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So what would be fact, if not words straight from the mouth of the stroke victim himself?


Well, thanks to HIPAA you and I will never know. He wouldn't be the first guy to claim he was healthier than he really was in order to get back on the field, would he? And the Pats wouldn't be the first team to paint an inaccurate picture of a player's health, would they?

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So what would be fact, if not words straight from the mouth of the stroke victim himself?



The issue here isn't whether football "caused" the stroke. It's weather somebody that has a heart problem should be playing football. You can't tell me that cardiovascular exercise doesn't put strain on the heart...


As for the doctor(s) clearing him, it doesn't mean that their diagnosis is correct. I don't see what the guy’s rush is, why go out there and test whether or not the doctors are right? If they’re right he gets to play half a season, if they’re wrong he could end up dead. Do the pros outweigh the cons?


I have the sinking feeling that at some point this season we're going to see a story about Bruschi collapsing in practice.

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The issue here isn't weather football "caused" the stroke.  It's weather somebody that has a heart problem should be playing football.  You can't tell me that cardiovascular exercise doesn't put strain on the heart...

Well, think of this way - before, he was playing football WITH a hole in his heart. Now, he's playing WITHOUT a hole in his heart. Perhaps he'll more fit to play now.


I'm not a doctor, and I make no claims of holding any medical knowledge whatsoever. But Bruschi's the one who had the stroke, Bruschi's the one who's been poked, prodded and cleared by doctors, and Bruschi's the one who gets to make a decision about his playing future. As a fan of his and the Patriots, all I can do is respect and support his decision, whether it's to come back for the second half of the season, or retire tomorrow.

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Well, think of this way - before, he was playing football WITH a hole in his heart.  Now, he's playing WITHOUT a hole in his heart.  Perhaps he'll more fit to play now.


I'm not a doctor, and I make no claims of holding any medical knowledge whatsoever.  But Bruschi's the on who had the stroke, Bruschi's the one who's been poked, prodded and cleared by doctors, and Bruschi's the one who gets to make a decision about his playing future.  As a fan of his and the Patriots, all I can do is respect and support his decision, whether it's to come back for the second half of the season, or retire tomorrow.


Good point(s), he's an adult and after taking whatever advice he's received into consideration and he decides to play, that's up to him.


All I can say is that if I'm him, my monkey butt isn't out there. Life's too short as it is.

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Good point(s), he's an adult and after taking whatever advice he's received into consideration and he decides to play, that's up to him.


All I can say is that if I'm him, my monkey butt isn't out there.  Life's too short as it is.

I'm the same way, which is one of the reasons I believe that the medical risks of his return must've been found to be minimal.


Bruschi's many things, but the guy isn't dumb. I imagine that if he thought or was told that there was a substantial risk in returning at this point, then he wouldn't do it. Everything I've heard about the situation indicates that every last precaution was taken, so the decision seems to have been a well-researched one, at the very least.

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I'm the same way, which is one of the reasons I believe that the medical risks of his return must've been found to be minimal.


Bruschi's many things, but the guy isn't dumb.  I imagine that if he thought or was told that there was a substantial risk in returning at this point, then he wouldn't do it.  Everything I've heard about the situation indicates that every last precaution was taken, so the decision seems to have been a well-researched one, at the very least.



I hope so. I wish him well.


BTW - nice NE comeback attempt. Brady-Givens-Branch are looking like Marino-Duper-Clayton. That alone will keep them competitive.

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I hate the New Englad Patriots. I hate the way they always beat the Bills. I hate how the announcers constantly talk about how great everyone in that organization is, and how brilliant all the organization's moves are.


But when Bruschi suffered his stoke in the first place, I was unhappy. I wanted the Patriots organization to be taken down a notch, but not in that way. Bruschi is exactly the kind of player the Bills need more of. He's a tough competitor who plays with a ton of heart. He took a lowball contract from NE, not only to stay with the organization, but also to give it salary cap room to sign other players. So he's unselfish.


Now it appears that he is completely healthy, and that he will once again have the chance to pursue his lifelong dream. I don't begrudge him that, even though it helps the team I hate the most.

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I hope so. I wish him well.


BTW - nice NE comeback attempt. Brady-Givens-Branch are looking like Marino-Duper-Clayton. That alone will keep them competitive.

I think Givens and Branch have a ways to go until they get into Clayton/Duper territory, but you're right - the passing game is really the only thing keeping the team afloat on offense. Hope they can keep it up without getting Brady killed behind that line. :blink:


Color me optimistic, but I think that if a few key guys (Bruschi, Seymour, Dillon, Gay, Poole, et al.) get healthy over the bye, the Pats could do real well against a much softer schedule in the second half. Who knows, if Buffalo keeps it up and the Phins and Jets continue to fade, it could be a real fun Pats/Bills rivalry all through the second half.

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They're close.


They run great patterns, cut back to Brady if needed. Those two have hands of glue - I just shake my head when I watch them.

They are a very solid duo. Givens is a UFA after and this year, and Branch after '06. Both need extensions, IMO.


As for the "hands of glue" thing, you're right, they almost always come up with big catches in big spots. But Givens' comeback-killing drop is still killing me a little inside. :blink:

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Bruschi's many things, but the guy isn't dumb.

Sure he is. He's getting paid for the season whether he plays or not, so money isn't an issue. So why come back? Ego? Because you think you'll be the answer for the teams' multiple problems? Because you're eager to be a medical experiment about the effects of violent blows to the body not even a year removed from a stroke? If anything, I'd think that missing all of off-season, mini camps, training camps, pre-season, and half the season would be deterrents enough from coming back.

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They are a very solid duo.  Givens is a UFA after and this year, and Branch after '06.  Both need extensions, IMO.


As for the "hands of glue" thing, you're right, they almost always come up with big catches in big spots.  But Givens' comeback-killing drop is still killing me a little inside. :blink:

Branch had a big drop as well. And Brady was horrible in the 1st half, badly missing wide open receivers.

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