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Searching for Hope in Movie Quotes


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Allright, I must admit I am feeling a little uneasy on where the Bills currently stand.And then, I was watching the BEST movie ever made last night , The Princess Bride, and this passage just brought new life to the situation.


Miracle Max: He probably owes you money huh? I'll ask him.

Inigo Montoya: He's dead. He can't talk.

Miracle Max: Whoo-hoo-hoo, look who knows so much. It just so happens that your friend here is only MOSTLY dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there's usually only one thing you can do.

Inigo Montoya: What's that?

Miracle Max: Go through his clothes and look for loose change.


Now, I think we are at the MOSTLY DEAD stage. Except for the rooks, all these guys have been in this situation last year and can feed of that.Now, I gotta feeling our miracle pill is just gunna come this weekend.


To the Bills i say this"have fun storming the castle boys"




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There really isn't any chance of coming back this season. The competition is only getting harder after this, and it's not like the team is all of a sudden going to turn around.

Unless the coaching staff can really get their heads out of their ass, JP can learn to throw, the defense can stop the run and a 3rd and long, and the Oline can stop playing matadore, we may have a chance. But right now, we have nothing.



I mean, if we only had a wheelbarrow, that would be something!




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Coach Harris: You know, when you were a baby in your crib, your father looked down at you, he had but one hope - some day my son will grow to be a man. Well look at you now. You just got your asses whipped by a bunch of goddamn nerds.


Coach Harris: Nerds! Well, if I was you, I'd do something about it. I would get up and redeem myself in the eyes of my father, my maker, and my coach!

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Allright, I must admit I am feeling a little uneasy on where the Bills currently stand.And then, I was watching the BEST movie ever made last night , The Princess Bride, and this passage just brought new life to the situation.


Miracle Max: He probably owes you money huh? I'll ask him.

Inigo Montoya: He's dead. He can't talk.

Miracle Max: Whoo-hoo-hoo, look who knows so much. It just so happens that your friend here is only MOSTLY dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there's usually only one thing you can do.

Inigo Montoya: What's that?

Miracle Max: Go through his clothes and look for loose change.


Now, I think we are at the MOSTLY DEAD stage. Except for the rooks, all these guys have been in this situation last year and can feed of that.Now, I gotta feeling our miracle pill is just gunna come this weekend.


To the Bills i say this"have fun storming the castle boys"




For this sunday against the Dolphfags, I perfer this movie quote:

"On my command, unleash hell"


Maybe the Bills D at last getting to face a slow, white QB is just what the doctor ordered.

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"Next time you're found, with your chin on the ground

There a lot to be learned, so look around


Just what makes that little old ant

Think he’ll move that rubber tree plant

Anyone knows an ant, can’t

Move a rubber tree plant


But he’s got high hopes, he’s got high hopes

He’s got high apple pie, in the sky hopes


So any time your gettin’ low

’stead of lettin’ go

Just remember that ant

Oops there goes another rubber tree plant!"



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Cotton McKnight: Do you believe in unlikelihoods? The Buffalo Bills shocking the football world and upsetting Philadelphia in the Super Bowl. Unbelievable! I have been to the Great Wall of China. I have seen the Pyramids of Egypt. I've even witnessed a grown man satisfy a camel. But never in all my years as a sportscaster have I witnessed something as improbable, as impossible, as what we've witnessed here.

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Tripper: And even if we win, if we win, HAH! Even if we play so far above our heads that our noses bleed for a week to ten days; even if God in Heaven above points his hand at our side of the field; even if every man woman and child joined hands together and prayed for us to win, it just wouldn't matter because all the really good looking girls would still go out with the guys from Mohawk because they've got all the money! It just doesn't matter if we win or if we lose. IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER!

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Elaine Dickinson: "There's no reason to become alarmed, and we hope you'll enjoy the rest of your flight. By the way, is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a plane?"





You implying TD and MM don't really have a clue

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Guest BackInDaDay
Tripper: And even if we win, if we win, HAH! Even if we play so far above our heads that our noses bleed for a week to ten days; even if God in Heaven above points his hand at our side of the field; even if every man woman and child joined hands together and prayed for us to win, it just wouldn't matter because all the really good looking girls would still go out with the guys from Mohawk because they've got all the money! It just doesn't matter if we win or if we lose. IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER!





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