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Build the Mt. Rushmore of sports!


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NFL - Jim Brown (maybe Walter)

MLB - Babe Ruth (close 2nd Jackie Robinson)

NBA - Wilt (with a lady friend)

NHL - Gretzky

Boxing - Ali

Soccer - What? ok, Pele

Tennis - The plate from Wimbledon

Golf - Arnie

Wrestling (NCAA/Olympic) - Some Greek Dude from 36 BC

NASCAR - Earnhardt Sr.

Track and Field - Jim Thorpe

Swimming - The chick from the opening scene in Jaws

Clueless Fan - no comment but it involves Mark Mulder and pickle juice

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At least I have enough sense not to add that part....


Oh wait...yeah, I already did.


Legs? Strictly? New girl. Still a toss up.


Sexy? Entire package?


Anna > Maria


I'll concede she can play. OK, based on typical TSW demographics analysis and short term memory, plus the inverted square root of those of us (not me) who actually care (see related Carl Roves threads) about Travis at this point... I'll spot you five votes. Any guy not in denial here knows the compare.


Maybe we should include age brackets? If your 16 and under you can vote for the golfer girl. Or, if you have no life.





Maria > Anna


and age brackets are useless, as you're too old for either of those fine young ladies.


unless of course you're cool like Jean Luc Picard, then you get to date someone 39 years younger


Picard > Kirk





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You're on a roll.........





No, this is a sacred thread, that should not be usurped for amusement. My appologies for being irreverant. Maybe we'll use Whiteface Mountain? That said, I still vote for the Plastic Cup. It's 2005. THAT is a true sports hero.


IMO. It caused....nothing.

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Maria > Anna


and age brackets are useless, as you're too old for either of those fine young ladies.


unless of course you're cool like Jean Luc Picard, then you get to date someone 39 years younger


Picard > Kirk







Oh, grasshopper. You try to drag me out. Good tactics, on the surface, but you should understand your adversary more fully. You apparently hear lies from the spies. I'm an old guy, according to many...perhaps you might be surprised at those cute 20 somethings that appreciate good manners, taking charge, and the ability to accurately pick the wine. Beware of us old guys.

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Richard Petty

Junior Johnson

Dale Earnhardt Sr.

Darrell Waltrip


All whatever else:


Muhammed Ali

Vince Lombardi

Jack Nicklaus

Steve Bartman



I hear you, bro. The only exception you left out was Curtis Turner.

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perhaps you might be surprised at those cute 20 somethings that appreciate good manners, taking charge, and the ability to accurately pick the wine.



umm, i don't mean to break your heart but i think you should know. those 20 year olds send out that email to watch their webcam to alot of people. most delete the spam, but hey i guess someone has to click to the link :doh:

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umm, i don't mean to break your heart but i think you should know.  those 20 year olds send out that email to watch their webcam to alot of people.  most delete the spam, but hey i guess someone has to click to the link :doh:



No, he's talking about young women.

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You're not being accepting, nor progressive.


You said "fag"Yes, I did, is correcting this post bad that I used the color red?


That's a bad thing. You shouldn't say that. Bad eryn, BAD!Na, not really, Boom and I are friends, just busting chops, so the sensitive ones can go !@#$ off


You meanie, you.You're are right, I am, what are you going to do about it, you internet rough and tough guy?


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umm, i don't mean to break your heart but i think you should know.  those 20 year olds send out that email to watch their webcam to alot of people.  most delete the spam, but hey i guess someone has to click to the link :doh:




Sorry, didn't realize you weren't actually getting any. Gave you more credit than that. But, thank you for the tip. I'll remember your pointers.

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