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I'm sure it's the French. There pissed!






Yeah, not really hilarious.


Nick, I've been watching CNN. I don't know if you're heard, but early reports indicate that it may have only been a power surge. I really hope that is correct. Stay safe.

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Yeah, not really hilarious. 


Nick, I've been watching CNN.  I don't know if you're heard, but early reports indicate that it may have only been a power surge.  I really hope that is correct.  Stay safe.


Thanks - the power surge was an early report... We appear to have at least 3 bombs go off now. Some people have died on a Bus that has been exploded...

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Thanks - the power surge was an early report... We appear to have at least 3 bombs go off now. Some people have died on a Bus that has been exploded...




Oh my. A reporter on the scene on CNN says it's likely that it's a massive electrical failure/power surge because reportedly, one of the buses stopped first and passengers were able to get out before it exploded. CNN says there are at least three explosions, but possibly up to nine.


Now, on Fox News what they're saying is "clearly a patterned terrorist attack".




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Oh my.  A reporter on the scene on CNN says it's likely that it's a massive electrical failure/power surge because reportedly, one of the buses stopped first and passengers were able to get out before it exploded.  CNN says there are at least three explosions, but possibly up to nine.


Now, on Fox News what they're saying is "clearly a patterned terrorist attack". 



No big surprise, a number of attacks by the scum of the earth have been prevented in the UK, only a matter of time before some of the bastards got through.


The bus looks a total wreck, and a large number of bombs elsewhere.


Stuff the tossers reponsible.

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More news. Another bomb has gone off near Liverpool Street Station.


Seems to me like someone has succeeded in shutting down the Tube and forcing people above ground and then getting som ebombs set off.


This is all happening during a busy morning rush hour.


This kinda crap is kinda coincidental given the official start of G8... Bloody terrorists... Nuke 'em all

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Tony Blair to go on soon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Met chief on TV now.


6 explosions, 5 on tube, one on a bus. Many casualties.



News elsewhere:


Security scares in Swindon (where I am) and Brighton.

Mobile Phone networks reportedly now down (as a response to possible detonation methods).

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Mobile Phone networks reportedly now down (as a response to possible detonation methods).


gotta do what ya gotta do I guess....seems unfortunate people cant get in contact with their familys, but I guess its better than having more casualties.


Be careful with the word "casualties" however. It is my understanding that in london casualties is synonymous with our term "injuries" not necessarily deaths...just a bit of a caution....


Prayers go out to those of you in london. Unfortunatly until we defeat terrorism, this is what we are dealing with in the world these days.


Those of us back in the states should be extra vigilant during our morning commute (its 0630 here)


Keep us posted Nick...and stay safe.

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Those of us back in the states should be extra vigilant during our morning commute (its 0630 here)


Keep us posted Nick...and stay safe.


Good warning. Big city folk should be extra vigilant for suspect packages... If you are going anywhere by air be vigilant for suspicious packages and people.


I'm not going anywhere so I'll keep you informed. We're not allowed out of the building....


Have managed to speak to all of my friends and family to confirm they and I are OK.


Some of my colleagues here at work were on the trains/tubes affected this morning. Very scary - but all escaped without injury.


FYI: Casualty = Injury. If someone dies we call that a fatality.

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I use to live in London in '96-97 when the IRA started a new bombing campaign. ONe went off in close proximity to where I was. I was always worried that one would go off in the Tube and send the city into chaos (that city may rely upon mass transport more thanNYC).


At least English law enforcement has prepared for incidents like this for decades due to the IRA. I only hope their expertise can save as many lives and tend to as many of the injured as possible.

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More handiwork by the practitioners of the "religion of peace."

Would that the streets of Damascus and Mecca be ringing with the same sounds of bombs going off.

Wahabists are exactly like Nazis. They want to dominate the world and kill all the Jews.

Lovely people.


Of course, I'm perhaps jumping the gun. Maybe these explosions are the work of the classless extremist environmentalists and anti-G8 crowd.


Nick, I hope you and your family remain safe. Also - it's going to be a real mess getting home tonight. Hope you don't have too far to go especially if you're going to have to walk it.


Be safe.

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