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Dolphins Lose 17-7 to Titans

Mark VI

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT

I told the guy at work who's a Felons fan that I'd buy him lunch every day this week if Miami won... loud too so EVERYONE could hear, and repeated again TWO TIMES afterwards..


His response tonight was, "Just wait till tomorrow!"


HAHA. Bear, schmear!

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HAHA. Bear, schmear!


Right on, that's the stupidest thing I've heard in a long time...


To all the superstitious souls saying this all over the board,




Here's to a perfect 0-16 season for the Felons! :w00t:

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Prod the friggin bear???


Lou Saban bailing on us twice, 0 for the 70's vs. Miami, Walt Patulski, Kelly dissing our franchise, Ronnie Harmon's drop, 4 straight Super Bowl losses, OJ Simpson murdering his wife, Bruce Smith getting the flu, the annual threats of the Bills moving to LA, Home Run Throwup, Frutie Fanatics, Johnson and Johnson (Lonnie and Rob), Kevin Killdrive, 2 Patriots SB victories in 3 years, dealing with the Axis of Idiocy (Foxboro Mike, Thurman's Helmet, Hollywood Donahoe), Mike Pussywillow, etc...


We've already paid for a lifetime of bear-prodding. Now it's OUR turn, baby! If the offensive line holds up, then all the pieces are in place for a Super Bowl run!


Take this, bear! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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Bear prodding preferences aside :doh: , did anyone actually WATCH the game? Did you see what happened today?


I went to Fins Heaven, and it seemed like the Titans were able to run the left side heavy and often. Alternately, was the problem really Fiedler, or the OL not giving him time? He apparently threw some obnoxious picks today.


At one point, they were down by 14, were 4th and 1 at the 50-yard-line in the fourth quarter, and Wanny pulled a GW and punted. EVERYONE is all over that call.


Additionally, they seemed to have a crapload of penalties. If you want some fun, go read the Fin Heaven message board "official game thread." They start out with some three and outs, hold the ball for less than four minutes in the first quarter, and when they finally get a good drive going, Fiedler thows a pick in the endzone. (He pulled a BRADY!) It was right about there that the reactions went from bad to worse, and the Fiedler haters/Feely lovers started fighting with the Fiedler lovers/Feely haters.


Deja vu all over again.


So anyway...who saw the game? Should Wanny have left Fiedler in, or was he really that bad?


Think they miss Ricky? People will be hanging dime bags on their porches to get him back.

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