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AP: Jon Gruden loses bid for reconsideration in NFL lawsuit


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2 hours ago, Sierra Foothills said:



He golfed and learned the French language and then went back to work because he was bored and really didn't know what else to do with his life.



this happens often! The idea of doing nothing sounds appealing when you’re working 50 hours per week. But it quickly becomes unappealing when the stark reality of 365 days per year of nothing smacks you in the face 

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On 7/5/2024 at 5:20 PM, boyst said:

While I support the decision of the NFL not to hire him I think ESPN did him completely dirty by leaking his emails. He's a douche anyway

Roger&NFL scummy behavior > Grudens douche'ness


Would wager they pulled out all the stops shutting this down. Imagine the juicy **** that would've came out. There'd be a million things uglier than the things he said, things they climbed over, in order to fire JG.


If his chances of appeal are done, some of it will leak out, but not all of it... and they get to spin it as sour grapes ex employee speech

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On 7/6/2024 at 2:56 AM, Thurman#1 said:



That's how he's always seemed. Very in control of his image. On his TV show he seemed great, but when not focusing on it, like a jerk.


No big Gruden fan, but I've always thought it was the Skins, who were even bigger jerks.

Not at all directed at you... but this reads like a job description of 'NFL coach' lol


While I don't think it's necessary as a coach.... I think the personality traits required of a coach, make that type of behavior 100% commonplace.


Can anyone think of any coach/executive where if they were fired, and "great in front of cameras... bull headed control freak behind the scenes" was said, it would surprise you?


McD - certainly not

Beane- upper echelon of "cool" for an executive. But hearing someone say that about him far from shocking?


Pete Carrol? It woulda been mildly surprising to hear 4 years ago, but not now


Tomlinson- same. Cool af, but still a coach. 


Non players coach

Beli- plenty of stories like this already


Parcells- well, you get the idea lol


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On 7/6/2024 at 1:25 PM, Jerome007 said:

The mob has decided he is racist, so he is. Why let facts get in the way. BTW I'm not sure of the facts in this case anyway, just saying that to most people it doesn't matter, they just want to look all pure. And you know, some people can say racist insults yet not really be racists. And I'm sure it happens often on the field too. But hey, we have to be perfect now, the mob demands it. 

No tears shed by me over JG. But let's be real. Nobody working in the NFL is a full on racist.


Locker rooms are all race, personality, religion, upbringings, and even sexualities. One of the things that make it cool and unique! Anybody been in the military? 


1. White dudes from the south

2. Black dudes from north or city

3. Jewish guys from NYC

4. Latino dudes from Texas


(INSERT  #1-4 HERE) running their mouth about why they're the best, and pointing out the perceived flaws of other groups. Bagging on others stereotypes, all with a sliver of truth. 


Each being louder than the last about why THEY'RE RIGHT. But at the end of the day, they're bickering brothers, with a common goal. Will all literally kill or fight for each other, whether in the field or at the bar.


^^^that's my best educated estimate at what an nfl locker room, looks/sounds like. Take any of it out of context, it's going to sound BAAAD. But also sounds like a better place to be, BECAUSE of it, than out here in the normal world.


Everyone has a different perspective, but "locker room" "brotherhood" are the two things you hear every retiree say they miss most. There's probably a lesson to be learned from it, but I'm a half literate chimp, so what do I know 🤷‍♂️

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10 hours ago, Sierra Foothills said:


I absolutely agree that Gruden was a pawn in a much larger game.


Too bad he was both stupid and a bad person simultaneously.


Can you imagine shyttinng away $100 million because you thought it was a good use of time to write offensive emails?



A bad person? I personally judge people by their actions. You take the good someone did, and pile it up in one pile. You take the bad, and pile it up in another pile. Compare the piles, and that tells you a lot about whether the person was good or bad.


I'm half Polish. I don't like Polish jokes, because they contribute to negative and untrue stereotypes about Poles. But, I think that someone can still be a good person even if they tell Polish jokes.


Was Jon Gruden a good person towards African Americans? Answering that question would require someone to sit down with a lot of the African American players he had coached. Get their impressions on how they had been treated. But, doing that would require actual work, as well as intellectual integrity. Moral outrage is much easier. It's very easy for the media to point to his emails, and conclude that the time has come to reject Gruden as a human being. All without knowing a single thing about how he'd treated the African American players he'd coached.

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1 hour ago, Rampant Buffalo said:


A bad person? I personally judge people by their actions. You take the good someone did, and pile it up in one pile. You take the bad, and pile it up in another pile. Compare the piles, and that tells you a lot about whether the person was good or bad.


I'm half Polish. I don't like Polish jokes, because they contribute to negative and untrue stereotypes about Poles. But, I think that someone can still be a good person even if they tell Polish jokes.


Was Jon Gruden a good person towards African Americans? Answering that question would require someone to sit down with a lot of the African American players he had coached. Get their impressions on how they had been treated. But, doing that would require actual work, as well as intellectual integrity. Moral outrage is much easier. It's very easy for the media to point to his emails, and conclude that the time has come to reject Gruden as a human being. All without knowing a single thing about how he'd treated the African American players he'd coached.


You're right about me declaring Gruden a bad person.


I abandoned my usual practice which is to not judge others because we can never know the entirety of one's actions and without knowing this, it is impossible to know a person's true nature.


Also, I believe that there are ambiguous people who even if you did have knowledge of the entirety of their actions, would be difficult to classify as either good or bad. 


So I should not have judged Gruden. I can only guess as to his character.


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2 hours ago, Sierra Foothills said:


You're right about me declaring Gruden a bad person.


I abandoned my usual practice which is to not judge others because we can never know the entirety of one's actions and without knowing this, it is impossible to know a person's true nature.


Also, I believe that there are ambiguous people who even if you did have knowledge of the entirety of their actions, would be difficult to classify as either good or bad. 


So I should not have judged Gruden. I can only guess as to his character.



One of the things I have a ton of respect for is good character. You've displayed good character with this post. 👍

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