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Men's fashion styles...

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I actually wonder when foreigners say that Americans are "out of touch" on certain issues.  But, this stupid story restores my faith that I am completely in touch with the realities of life:





I don't know which men they talked to, but I can assure you NONE of my friends wear pink shirts, and neither do I.

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Macho man is an endangered species, with today's male more likely to opt for a pink flowered shirt and swingers' clubs than the traditional role as family super-hero, fashion industry insiders say.







I don't know whether to chaulk this up as 'content filler' or 'western civilization is purposely being undermined so as to make it's males pansies thus making a future invasion easier'.


First Queer Eye, then metrosexuals, now this. Slippery slope? Bet your ass. We're doomed!



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I don't know whether to chaulk this up as 'content filler' or 'western civilization is purposely being undermined so as to make it's males pansies thus making a future invasion easier'.


First Queer Eye, then metrosexuals, now this. Slippery slope? Bet your ass. We're doomed!





It's all part of a plan of domination being hatched by that eeeeeevil "other half" of the species.



Cunning, they are. More cunning must WE be.


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Yeah. The 70s were so masculine. It's just a fashion cycle. Big deal. In 10 years, people will be wearing their collars up and shoot each other for izaod shirts.



Yeah, and you wear a powdered wig and breeches. Who are YOU to talk?

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Instead today's males are turning more towards "creativity, sensitivity and multiplicity," as seen already in recent seasons on the catwalks of Paris and Milan.


Arnold Schwarznegger and Sylvester Stallone are being replaced by the 21st-century man who "no longer wants to be the family super-hero", but instead has the guts to be himself, to test his own limits.


"We are watching the birth of a hybrid man. ... Why not put on a pink-flowered shirt and try out a partner-swapping club?" asked Le Louet, stressing that the study had focused on men aged between 20 and 35.

Yeah, why not?


Wait, what??



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Yeah. The 70s were so masculine. It's just a fashion cycle. Big deal. In 10 years, people will be wearing their collars up and shoot each other for izod shirts.




that isn't even funny...

i made my bi-annual trip to the clothes stores last month and i saw more than one mannequin wearing a polo shirt with the color up.


i about died. damned mannequins will rule the world one day.



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Sociologists and other experts spent three months analyzing some 150 magazines and books and 146 Internet sites, as well as interviewing a dozen experts from Europe, the United States and China.




They've managed to conclude that the traditional sterotype of manhood is dead from reading three hundred books and web sites?


I'm sorry...but what a bunch of !@#$ing retards. That's not a study, that's a bunch of underemployed sociologists (is there any other kind?) needing to be slapped silly.

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They've managed to conclude that the traditional sterotype of manhood is dead from reading three hundred books and web sites? 


I'm sorry...but what a bunch of !@#$ing retards.  That's not a study, that's a bunch of underemployed sociologists (is there any other kind?) needing to be slapped silly.


You mean they're not hiring down at the Sociology Factory? DARN!

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