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General Flynn Files Lawsuit Against US Gov't

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1 hour ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

"What we will never know..." is the standard bearer for conspiracy theorists and pimply-faced virgins, Frank. Out of respect for you and the high standards of this board, I will assume you are neither (for now).  Though, you're really, really hooked into this Qanon thing.  


Let's go with what we know.  "Lying..." generally is a standard enforced in the political realm only when politically expedient.  I won't rehash trafficking in confidential information, removing classified documents from one(s) days in the Senate, unmasking, FISA abuse(s), spying on opposition candidates etc, but we can place that to the side for a minute and pretend that I'm wrong.


What we know for certain is the case against Flynn was messy, based on notes from the investigation, the inference of malice,  the withholding of information from defense, and the ultimate decision by DOJ to scuttle the whole she'bang. 


We know that Trump pardoned Flynn, that Trump had the right to pardon Flynn (unless you all are still on the Trump wasn't legitimately elected bandwagon), and everyone knows that every president pardons someone the other side complains about.  



Oh, Trump had the right to pardon Flynn all right.

Questions about pardons are legitimate, particularly when the pardon bypasses the normal bureaucratic process.



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2 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

Oh, Trump had the right to pardon Flynn all right.

Questions about pardons are legitimate, particularly when the pardon bypasses the normal bureaucratic process.



Bingo!   Exactly!   

The punishment for pardon(ing) violent criminals, those guilty of sexual abuse of children, and major financial crimes was a ceremonial “Not Cool, Bill” in Congress.  Add to that his issues with perjury and sexual predation over a decade or two culminating with cigar play and a doe-eyed intern in the Oval Office.  The price to pay for all these shenanigans…?

“Let’s make his perpetually enabling life partner a Senator!”.

”Wow, she’d be a great Sec of State!”

”Extremely reckless and careless with classified info—she should be President!”.


Flynn is small potatos here, hardly a footnote.  Those who feign outrage over his pardon often trip over their own moral ambivalence to do so. 




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30 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

Flynn is small potatos here

Flynn's conviction/pardon isn't such a big deal.

What is a big deal: his open support for the idea of declaring martial law to keep Trump in the White House. Nobody - Nixon, Clinton/Gore (the contested election of 2000), Lincoln in the midst of the Civil War - nobody ever suggested such a thing before. It should absolutely disqualify him from any sort of public life, "convicted" or not.

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8 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

Flynn's conviction/pardon isn't such a big deal.

Well, in contrast with what you just shared, and the millions of liberal voters who supported W Clinton, and pledged continued support for H Clinton 20 years thereafter, its barely a blip on the presidential pardon radar.   But, handwringing and fauxrage are part of the national collective, so we push on. 


8 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

What is a big deal: his open support for the idea of declaring martial law to keep Trump in the White House. Nobody - Nixon, Clinton/Gore (the contested election of 2000), Lincoln in the midst of the Civil War - nobody ever suggested such a thing before. It should absolutely disqualify him from any sort of public life, "convicted" or not.

Sure, that’s a reasonable position and he should rightly be criticized for that foolishness.    

Though, that whole pandemic management thing provided a bit of a test run for that which we all fear, no?  Lockdowns under threat of law and financial ruin, people in leadership largely ignoring lockdown protocol on a personal and professional  level, winners/losers on the business front determined, targeted enforcement for religious organizations, and of course, massive gatherings that surely spread the virus being treated differently than the rest of society.   




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57 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

Though, that whole pandemic management thing provided a bit of a test run for that which we all fear, no?  Lockdowns under threat of law and financial ruin, people in leadership largely ignoring lockdown protocol on a personal and professional  level, winners/losers on the business front determined, targeted enforcement for religious organizations, and of course, massive gatherings that surely spread the virus being treated differently than the rest of society

Nothing quite on the order of suspending the constitutionally mandated presidential succession model based on ... what? Unsupported allegations of (now refuted allegations) of election machine tampering? Unsupported allegations of voter fraud sufficient to change the results in one or more states?


What if the Biden Administration were to run with this? Let's say they lose in the electoral college in 2024 but claim that various states suppressed the vote. Martial law! We'll need to have the military run America (who elected them?) until we sort this out. And who will "sort this out?" Why, that would be me, the "interim president."


This - along with the diabolical fake electors scheme - was so far beyond the pale that either Republican supporters are simply ignoring the magnitude of the issue (but Hillary!) or they actually think martial law would be a good thing. Sometimes its hard to tell these days.

Edited by The Frankish Reich
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22 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

Nothing quite on the order of suspending the constitutionally mandated presidential succession model based on ... what? Unsupported allegations of (now refuted allegations) of election machine tampering? Unsupported allegations of voter fraud sufficient to change the results in one or more states?


What if the Biden Administration were to run with this? Let's say they lose in the electoral college in 2024 but claim that various states suppressed the vote. Martial law! We'll need to have the military run America (who elected them?) until we sort this out. And who will "sort this out?" Why, that would be me, the "interim president."

After the last 7 years, I have no doubt the democrat party would pursue this option if it would further their agenda and they could get away with it.  Worse yet, I believe a substantial number of dem voters would support it if properly manipulated by their leadership. 

22 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:


This - along with the diabolical fake electors scheme - was so far beyond the pale that either Republican supporters are simply ignoring the magnitude of the issue (but Hillary!) or they actually think martial law would be a good thing. Sometimes its hard to tell these days.

Here’s the problem, Frank—-what passed as “the pale” in 2016 was completely unacceptable in a constitutional republic even when you despise the target and his/her supporters.  All we’re seeing now is the people all in on illegitimate election fantasies and all the went with it 2016-2020 getting squeamish when the game escalates.  These are the same people who believe that terms like “slippage” explain away a couple decades of pilfering classified documents as senator/vp etc, and 51 intelligence officials assisting the political candidate of their choice.  These are the people who would support martial law. 

Beyond the pale….👨🏻‍🦯🤔


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