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At least this guy is honest about the troops

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Generally speaking you have to work overtime to be a complete and utter waste of human flesh in my mind. Most people have a value to some extent.


Even if this is a joke, it's a worthless joke by a worthless piece of crap whose incredible cowardice is embarrassing and whose value to life is so ridiculously small that I actually wish him harm.


On the other hand, I know Blzrul doesn't like the military (and she's MARRIED to the military) so you have to figure this warms the cockles of her heart.

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Generally speaking you have to work overtime to be a complete and utter waste of human flesh in my mind. Most people have a value to some extent.


Even if this is a joke, it's a worthless joke by a worthless piece of crap whose incredible cowardice is embarrassing and whose value to life is so ridiculously small that I actually wish him harm.


On the other hand, I know Blzrul doesn't like the military (and she's MARRIED to the military) so you have to figure this warms the cockles of her heart.



Some of the feedback's really classic...


"I shouldn't have to pay for the enlisted to live like kings and queens."



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Apparently, this cockroach was on Hannity & Colmes not too long ago. I didnt see it but I'm guessing Sean tore him a new one and I cant imagine Alan agreeing with his POV.


Most of the left, even the hard core left wont go so far as to wish harm on to our soldiers. Unless their name is Jane Fonda.

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Petrino in Syracuse? Has he moved?


I serve to protect this idiots right to be an idiot. But I don't sweat mental midgets like him. I firmly believe that what goes around comes around, and Petrino in Syracuse will understand this sooner or later. Hopefully sooner...

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Some of the feedback's really classic...


"I shouldn't have to pay for the enlisted to live like kings and queens."


:)  :P  :lol:  0:)


It could be argued that the above is an accurate statement. Afterall, I'm sure King Soloman and Cleopatra were also bitten by one of those desert spiders after a long day of toiling in 100+ degree weather.... :angry:


That guy's a real piece of work. If I was him I'd be looking over my shoulder every time I walk out of the house, and twice before I walk back into it.

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So you're telling me this is legit?  Seemed like a parody showing how shabbily we actually treat servicepeople.  But if you're saying this guy is serious then I'm shocked.



It's a real site. What is shocking is that someone hasn't tracked the guy down and beat him to death over it...

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Corollary to the First Amendment: the right to be heard does not automatically convey the right to be taken seriously.


May as well just rename it the Michael Crook Corrolary right now...



I'm not that upset by it. Just like TV, books, whatever. No one is forcing anyone to read it. I'm sure the parents of a young man or woman turned into a greasy spot by an IED would shake their head in sadness that someone could actually not only think this way, but advertise this way-but, no one is forcing them to pay attention.

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