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Let's just say the documents


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I could give a flying !@#$ what your lemming ass "thinks."  You've proven yet again that you are pretty much what you accuse those on the other side of the aisle of being.



The Kennedy democrats and their motto is, "Do as I say, not as I do".

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These are difficult issues to discuss when there is a gaping black hole at the center of the controversey: Where did CBS get those documents? We know nothing of where they came from. All they said was that "CBS has obtained..." so-and-so's documents from his personal files. CBS could end up between a rock and a real hard place. They may need to reveal the source to either establish the authenticity of the documents or to exonerate itself from responsibility for a hoax. They would face a choice between protecting their source and defending themselves.


Crazy stuff. I just hope it is all vetted before the election and not after. If they are fakes then I hope that is unquestioningly determined before the election as well as who is responsible. If they are genuine, same thing.


Certainly this has little to do with who should be President but still, you can't help but be drawn in to the theatre of it all.

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Hypocrisy works both ways. You took the Swifties' word as gospel and effectively dismissed as "mindless" anyone who didn't.


Wait one second...by not considering these allegations as true right now and reserving judgement until they are proven to be real or bogus, we are giving YOU (meaning the Left and the Kerry Campaign and CBS) the benefit of the doubt!


How is that hypocritical??

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It seems that The American Spectator has on their web site, some words from CBS saying that the documents were given to them by the Kerry campaign.  The site is jammed - I couldn't get in, so this is just hearsay.



I had just heard that on the radio. The story is continuing to unfold. Dan Rather is becoming the story too.

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It seems that The American Spectator has on their web site, some words from CBS saying that the documents were given to them by the Kerry campaign.  The site is jammed - I couldn't get in, so this is just hearsay.


Not the American Spectator? That bastion of evenhanded journalism edited by that famed non-partisan Pulitzer winner R. Emmett Tyrell Jr. and published by that great liberal conglomerate Regnery Publishing? THAT American Spectator?



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Not the American Spectator?  That bastion of evenhanded journalism edited by that famed non-partisan Pulitzer winner R. Emmett Tyrell Jr. and published by that great liberal conglomerate Regnery Publishing?  THAT American Spectator?





I see. Are those paranoid people STILL chasing you? :)

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Not the American Spectator?  That bastion of evenhanded journalism edited by that famed non-partisan Pulitzer winner R. Emmett Tyrell Jr. and published by that great liberal conglomerate Regnery Publishing?  THAT American Spectator?





That anything like CBS, 60 Minutes, Dan Rather and their fair reporting of the facts and "all" the facts?

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BRH's dream world:

- CBS documents are real

- SBVT have no credibility


Mainstream America's reality:

- it's looking pretty embarrasing for CBS and the DNC right now

- 250 Swifties can't be wrong about everything, Kerry's retreating and changing stories mean something's up

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250 Swifties can't be wrong about everything


No, but they can be wrong on the specific charges they've made that contradict the eyewitness accounts of those who served ON THE SAME BOAT as Kerry and WHO WERE SAVED by Kerry, as opposed to those who "served with Kerry" by just being in Vietnam at the same time.

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No, but they can be wrong on the specific charges they've made that contradict the eyewitness accounts of those who served ON THE SAME BOAT as Kerry and WHO WERE SAVED by Kerry, as opposed to those who "served with Kerry" by just being in Vietnam at the same time.


Exactly. And just to prove they can't be wrong on everything, they're right about at least one thing -- they all say John Kerry went to Vietnam.

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What has he done lately? Since....oh....1973??!!??


Let's see. Up until about 1986 he was snorting coke and/or getting loaded with regularity, all the while engaging in a series of failed businesses for which the money was put up by Daddy's friends. Then he found Jesus, who told him to trade Sammy Sosa and bilk the Texas taxpayers into publicly financing a stadium boondoggle. Then he got elected governor in a state where the governor's biggest responsibility is signing death warrants. Then he became president and sat paralyzed for seven minutes while the nation was under attack, after which he flew to Nebraska at the vice president's order. Then he cut Daddy's taxes and increased spending. Oh and he went to war on false pretenses and claimed victory by taking a 30-mile flight on a fighter, after which several hundred more American troops died and continue to die.


Oh my bad. That's the other guy.


How about: went to law school, became a prosecutor, became lieutenant governor, and was elected to four terms in the United States Senate?

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