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NFL won't let head coaches wear a suit on the

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I don't know... there's just something about Nolan that rubs me the wrong way.  The guy takes himself way too serious.  Making a big stink about wearing a suit on the sidelines is silly.  For a rookie head coach, there seems to be a little too much arrogance.  Reminds me of a stiffer Brian Billick.



Did you ever stop to see why he wants to wear the suit? To honor his father who used to wear suits when he coached the Niners. That and trying to have a professional atmosphere doesn't seem silly to me.

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No suits is too far.  I dont get the NFL.  I understand somewhat them making sure shirts are tucked in, etc.  But no suits- I dont get it



Yeah the two policies are inconsistent. On the one hand, they claim they want players to look professional, but on the other hand they want the coaches like bums like Bellychoke.


I am sure others have brought this up, but this is a long line of the NFL being unreasonable with its rules as it was with Peyton Manning wanting to honor Unitas and Plummer wanting to honor Tillman.

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Yeah the two policies are inconsistent. On the one hand, they claim they want players to look professional, but on the other hand they want the coaches like bums like Bellychoke.


I am sure others have brought this up, but this is a long line of the NFL being unreasonable with its rules as it was with Peyton Manning wanting to honor Unitas and Plummer wanting to honor Tillman.


The NFL made the Plummer Tillman tribute right eventually- they put #40 on every helmet. They are horribly inconsistant though

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The NFL made the Plummer Tillman tribute right eventually- they put #40 on every helmet.  They are horribly inconsistant though



Then they threatened to fine him when he wouldn't take it off weeks later.

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That is ridiculous. The NFL should allow a coach to show some class. I remember Coach Mac wearing suits at Syracuse and then carried his own personal tradition to the sidelines of the NFL with him, when he was brought in to coach the Patriots.


Is the world run by marketing and lawyers?


The Flying Hellfish??

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...an oldie but goodie was Sid Gillman and his bow tie. 


They don't make 'em like they used to...




Jim Tressel the HC for Ohio State wears a trademark bow tie and a sweater vest for each game. To me, it looks uncomfortable. But he must like it.

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