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Out on DVD May 31st


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in all seriousness... one of the best movies to be made will be released a week earlier on the 24th or 25th.... the Godfather part II


I have the DVD box collection and love it! Got it at Sams Club a few years ago for pretty cheap.

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I just saw part III for the first time a few weeks ago. I hate to say it but as far as i am concerned the series only had two movies. The third didn't happen, regardless of what hollywood says. Besides, its fiction anyway, i can decide where the story cuts off.

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Have you ever see this Sketch on SNL where Norm MacDonald is in a car wreck, Sly comes to his aid, and Norm rips on his movies. My favorite parts were the Over the Top jokes.




Male Victim: Let me ask you something: What were you thinking when you made "Over The Top"?


Stallone: What?!


Male Victim: "Over The Top"! I mean, you had to arm wrestle a guy for the custody of your son, for God's sake!


Stallone: Please save your energy..


Male Victim: I mean, did you actually get that script and go around telling people, "Hey, this is a good one!"


Stallone: Oh, come on, just drop it! Please.


Male Victim: No, no, you're right. You know, it was an excellent movie, now that I think about it. After all, you know, it does combine the emotional drama of a custody child hearing with, uh.. ARM WRESTLING!!


Stallone: [ angry ] That's enough!! [ ambulance sirens in background ]


Male Victim: Whoa, hey! Hey, remember that movie "Kramer vs. Kramer"? Yeah, that was about child custody, too. Yeah, but it wasn't that good. I don't know, it was missing something, you know? Ah, what was it missing? I can't.. oh, wait! I know! Arm wrestling!

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Have you ever see this Sketch on SNL where Norm MacDonald is in a car wreck, Sly comes to his aid, and Norm rips on his movies.  My favorite parts were the Over the Top jokes.


Male Victim: Let me ask you something: What were you thinking when you made "Over The Top"?


Stallone: What?!


Male Victim: "Over The Top"! I mean, you had to arm wrestle a guy for the custody of your son, for God's sake!


Stallone: Please save your energy..


Male Victim: I mean, did you actually get that script and go around telling people, "Hey, this is a good one!"


Stallone: Oh, come on, just drop it! Please.


Male Victim: No, no, you're right. You know, it was an excellent movie, now that I think about it. After all, you know, it does combine the emotional drama of a custody child hearing with, uh.. ARM WRESTLING!!


Stallone: [ angry ] That's enough!! [ ambulance sirens in background ]


Male Victim: Whoa, hey! Hey, remember that movie "Kramer vs. Kramer"? Yeah, that was about child custody, too. Yeah, but it wasn't that good. I don't know, it was missing something, you know? Ah, what was it missing? I can't.. oh, wait! I know! Arm wrestling!


Great sketch. They should've never ditched NM.

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Hey, that movie had Sammy Hagar singing the theme song!  Plus, no movie that has Stallone wearing a leg warmer on his elbow joint should be panned. 





Or has such great dialogue and character names!



John Grizzly: When I get to the table, that person, I don't care who they are, they're my mortal enemy. I hate them.



Harry Bosco: My whole body is an engine. This is a fireplug

[makes a fist]

Harry Bosco: ... and I'm gonna light him up.



Lincoln Hawk: Tell you the truth, the truck is, uh, you know, the most important thing for me. I... I don't really... it doesn't matter if I, uh, become the champion or anything. That's, that's not the most important... I... I need this truck.



Bob 'Bull' Hurley: I drive truck, break arms, and arm wrestle. It's what I love to do, it's what I do best.



Bob 'Bull' Hurley: Being number one is everything. There is no second place. Second sucks.




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Sure everyone knows Rambo and Rocky, but your Stallone DVD collection is incomplete without such classics as...


Over the Top


Stop or My Mom Will Shoot

and who could forget his directorial smash...Stayin Alive!




Don't forget Lock Out and the instant cinematic classic: Cobra.

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Don't forget Lock Out and the instant cinematic classic: Cobra.


Cobra: Hey dirtbag. You're a lousy shot. I don't like lousy shots. You wasted a kid. Now it's time to waste you.


Scummer: I'll blow this place up. I'll do it, man.

Cobretti: Go ahead. I don't shop here.


You're a disease, and I'm the cure.


I don't deal with psychos. I put 'em away.



The question is Cobretti, did you use unnecessary deadly force?

Marion Cobretti:

I used everything I had.


You wanna talk, we'll talk. I'm a sucker for good conversation.


Police Chief: Cobretti, you have an attitude problem

Cobretti: (gesturing by holding his thumb and pointer finger about an inch apart) Yeah, but it's just a little one.


GREAT movie. So bad, it's good.

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I thought it was going to be this:




My favorite scenes from Over The Top are the scene where his son arm wrestles that kid in the truck stop or when the pro arm wrestler drinks the motor oil and eats the cigar. :rolleyes::):lol::huh::huh:


Another cheesy 80's movie was Commando with AH-NALD...any movie where a guy can military press a phone booth has to be a good one. :lol:

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Cobra:  Hey dirtbag.  You're a lousy shot.  I don't like lousy shots.  You wasted a kid.  Now it's time to waste you.


Scummer:  I'll blow this place up.  I'll do it, man.

Cobretti:  Go ahead.  I don't shop here.


You're a disease, and I'm the cure.


I don't deal with psychos. I put 'em away.



The question is Cobretti, did you use unnecessary deadly force?

Marion Cobretti: 

I used everything I had.


You wanna talk, we'll talk. I'm a sucker for good conversation.


Police Chief:  Cobretti, you have an attitude problem

Cobretti:  (gesturing by holding his thumb and pointer finger about an inch apart) Yeah, but it's just a little one.


GREAT movie.  So bad, it's good.


OMG :rolleyes::):lol:


If it wasn't for the draft I'd rent it tomorrow after reading that! Sounds like a Stallone version of Commando


"Did you leave anything for us?"

"Just bodies."

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