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Hate Has No Home Here

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20 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

From the moment he came down his golden Trump Tower escalator in 2015 to announce his presidential run, Trump’s rhetoric and policy choices have demeaned and dehumanized immigrants. His association of immigrants with crime and his characterization of them as job-stealers hurting domestic workers (both factually wrong) had the potential to inflame the entire country. While anti-immigrant sentiment does bind Trump to his hardcore base, overall the country has become more inclusive — as hard as that is to imagine.

The recent Pew poll shows: “An increasing share of registered voters — Trump and Biden supporters alike — say the growing number of newcomers to the country strengthens American society. In the new survey, 60% say this, while 37% say this threatens the nation’s customs and values.” Four years ago, 50 percent said immigrants were more of a threat while 46 percent said they strengthened America. Remarkably, even Republicans have become more pro-immigrant:

Only about a third of Trump supporters (32%) say immigrants do more to strengthen society, but this is a 13 percentage point increase from 19% in 2016. Biden supporters are more likely than Clinton supporters four years ago to say the growing number of newcomers strengthens society (84% vs. 71%).

Despite Trump’s Muslim travel ban, Islamophobia is also down. “Four years ago, a narrow majority (54%) of voters said that Islam was more likely than other religions to encourage violence among its followers," Pew found. “Today, the balance of opinion has shifted in the other direction, with 45% of voters saying that Islam is more likely to encourage violence and 51% saying it does not encourage violence more than other religions.”



Is there a point in here somewhere? 

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