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Le Pen is a bigoted scumbag, a vile individual.


Mind you if he helps the French to go against the European constitution it will mean that I won't have to vote no when our referendum comes about as it will already be a dead issue.


Even a bigoted scumbag can be right on occassion.

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Le Pen is a bigoted scumbag, a vile individual.


Mind you if he helps the French to go against the European constitution it will mean that I won't have to vote no when our referendum comes about as it will already be a dead issue.


Even a bigoted scumbag can be right on occassion.



What makes him bigoted? The desire to keep his country from being overwhelmed by poor Muslims?


ASk any American how bad illegal immigration can be.

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What makes him bigoted? The desire to keep his country from being overwhelmed by poor Muslims?


ASk any American how bad illegal immigration can be.


Ithought at first that this thread amounted to a joke, something so outlandish so as to be quickly seen as tongue in cheek. Now I see clearly.........

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Le Pen is a bigoted scumbag, a vile individual.


Mind you if he helps the French to go against the European constitution it will mean that I won't have to vote no when our referendum comes about as it will already be a dead issue.


Even a bigoted scumbag can be right on occassion.


They've already converted to a common monetary system, so fighting about a constitution to formalize what already exists is kind of a moot point. It's very poignant in that the citizens of each nation would have to come to terms with relinquishing some of their sovereignty contractually, but any damage (real or perceived) to that effect has already been done. In for a penny, in for a pound, as they say. Maybe that should be changed to Euro.

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Ithought at first that this thread amounted to a joke, something so outlandish so as to be quickly seen as tongue in cheek. Now I see clearly.........



Well, monsignor, thanks for casting your pious and enlightened eye upon this thread.


Anyone who thinks muslim immigration hasn't hurt Europe is fooling themselves.

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They've already converted to a common monetary system, so fighting about a constitution to formalize what already exists is kind of a moot point. It's very poignant in that the citizens of each nation would have to come to terms with relinquishing some of their sovereignty contractually, but any damage (real or perceived) to that effect has already been done. In for a penny, in for a pound, as they say. Maybe that should be changed to Euro.


Well since we in the UK opted out of the Euro :doh: we have still got our pennies and our pounds, so no need to change to the saying......


The European constitution has a lot more bits and pieces than what the Euro represents & that more people do not want, and it could mark a trend that the community will, at the least, slow down integration.

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What makes him bigoted? The desire to keep his country from being overwhelmed by poor Muslims?


ASk any American how bad illegal immigration can be.


Le Pen is pretty much an old style nationalist / fascist charismatic leader. His platform is anti-non-whites (no, not just Muslims) up to and including ridding the law books of anti-racist legislation, anti-abortion (and he has doubts on contraception too), anti-gay (sidatoriums), anti-intellectual, and much more besides.


He relies on whipping up the negative side of people by blaming problems in society on 'those who are not like us' when the problems in society have been there in myriad forms since year dot. VERY long tradition of this kind of politics in Europe and elsewhere (Jews, Romanies, Slavs, blacks, hispanics, barbarians, infidels, whomever)


THAT makes him a bigot. If you can not see it then that is unfortunate.

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Anyone who thinks muslim immigration hasn't hurt Europe is fooling themselves.


Immigration to the UK has been and still is a boon to this country, when it is looked at without the spin of rabble rousers and those seeking to gain from negative generalisations.

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Immigration to the UK has been and still is a boon to this country, when it is looked at without the spin of rabble rousers and those seeking to gain from negative generalisations.



Only because The Dole (like welfare here) provides refuge for able-bodied people against the indignity of lower paying jobs. Start erasing the mindset that there are jobs beneath people and transform welfare to workfare and see the need for immigration lessen. Of course, legal immigration for the intelligent and hard working should always be an option for those who want to go through the proper channels and make something of themselves.

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Le Pen is pretty much an old style nationalist / fascist charismatic leader. His platform is anti-non-whites (no, not just Muslims) up to and including ridding the law books of anti-racist legislation, anti-abortion (and he has doubts on contraception too), anti-gay (sidatoriums), anti-intellectual, and much more besides.


He relies on whipping up the negative side of people by blaming problems in society on 'those who are not like us' when the problems in society have been there in myriad forms since year dot. VERY long tradition of this kind of politics in Europe and elsewhere (Jews, Romanies, Slavs, blacks, hispanics, barbarians, infidels, whomever)


THAT makes him a bigot. If you can not see it then that is unfortunate.



Either that or it makes him a dissenting voice. Guess it depends on your point of view.

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Either that or it makes him a dissenting voice. Guess it depends on your point of view.



Le Pen is also notoriously anti-semitic and has sought to belittle the holocaust by describing it as "a mere detail, a footnote in the history of WWII". Still feel so willing to sing his praises?

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Le Pen is also notoriously anti-semitic and has sought to belittle the holocaust by describing it as "a mere detail, a footnote in the history of WWII". Still feel so willing to sing his praises?


Well, he is French. WWII wasn't exactly a great chapter in their history. :lol:

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Either that or it makes him a dissenting voice. Guess it depends on your point of view.


To those that swallow his xenophobic bile I am sure he is seen as a saviour.


Personally I would rather see a fully federalised European super state (something that I as vigourously opposed to) than to ever see a 'leader' of M Le Pen's ilk ever gaining power in France, or anywhere else in the EC.


The man is a racist, anti-semetic piece of fascistic trash and a waste of oxygen.

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Le Pen is also notoriously anti-semitic and has sought to belittle the holocaust by describing it as "a mere detail, a footnote in the history of WWII". Still feel so willing to sing his praises?



That seems to be a pretty popular opinion in Europe nowadays. Sounds like this guy does have some rather odious views. But he's right about the EU.

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The man is a racist, anti-semetic piece of fascistic trash and a waste of oxygen.


Typical Brit. If only we could get you to come out of your shell and tell us how you really feel. :lol:

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That seems to be a pretty popular opinion in Europe nowadays. Sounds like this guy does have some rather odious views. But he's right about the EU.


Ironically anti-semitism in France is fairly strong partly because of the more radical of the Islamic immigrants dislike of Israel/Jews, for various well documented reasons, as well as Le Pen and his fellow lowlifes - so there is some common ground between the different fanatics. Anti-semitism in one form or another has been around at least since Julius Caeser strode around Rome and there probably will always be hateful people who will keep that still alive.


Le Pen is opposed to the way the EU is going as am I, but most of those who are sceptical about the EU would not touch Le Pen with a ten foot bargepole. Beat him repeatedly about the head with one perhaps, but not touch him with one.

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