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You can't quit on a 5-4 season


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I think people are saying the team quit, because for the last 2 games.. They looked completely out matched in every possible phase.  In fact, they looked so bad, it had all the appearance of players not even trying.  Because lets be honest.. .you have to almost willfully do something to be so bad that you only have 56yds of passing, or give up a 94yd touchdown drive all with runs.  


I don't think the players gave up.  I just think the FO has completely shred this team of talent and has been using it as a season long try out.  Look no futher than the mess that is the offensive line, for evidence that the coaching staff is using this season as a means to evaluate talent as opposed to try and win games.  They got lucky a few times, sure.  But now the league has caught up to them and the results aren't pretty.  


The only thing I can't figure out is why this FO ans coaching staff is so inept that they need to waste an entire season to learn how to do their jobs.  The inability of this franchise to field a professional football team is beyond reason at this point.   

Edited by Dan
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6 minutes ago, Dan said:

I think people are saying the team quit, because for the last 2 games.. They looked completely out matched in every possible phase.  In fact, they looked so bad, it had all the appearance of players not even trying.  Because lets be honest.. .you have to almost willfully do something to be so bad that you only have 56yds of passing, or give up a 94yd touchdown drive all with runs.  


I don't think the players gave up.  I just think the FO has completely shred this team of talent and has been using it as a season long try out.  Look no futher than the mess that is the offensive line, for evidence that the coaching staff is using this season as a means to evaluate talent as opposed to try and win games.  They got lucky a few times, sure.  But now the league has caught up to them and the results aren't pretty.  


The only thing I can't figure out is why this FO ans coaching staff is so inept that they need to waste an entire season to learn how to do their jobs.  The inability of this franchise to field a professional football team is beyond reason at this point.   


Well said, sir.  The Bills have been heading for a melt-down since the beginning of the season.  A combination of luck, opponents that are not as good as they appeared to be, and the lack of film for opponents to analyze enabled them to mask their worse issues but the manure has finally hit the proverbial fan. 


IMO, Dareus was the key to a house of cards ... even if he wasn't playing as much as he should/could for whatever reason, he was enough of a force to at least hold back the worst of the defensive disaster.  Without him, all the deficiencies on the DL against the run were exposed because there was no longer anybody to force teams to use double teams on obvious running downs.


As for the offense, I think it comes back to two things: continued issues with the OL, lack of talent at WR capable of stretching the field, and very conservative play calling by the OC.  Taylor isn't a QB from the wild and woolly 70s or 80s who calls his own plays.  I'm not even sure how much he's allowed to audible.  Good defensive teams -- or hungry divisional rivals like the Jests -- know that the Bills need to get their run game going and that they don't have any downfield WRs -- so they put 8 in the box to stop the run and limit yards on check downs -- and they're successful, the Bills are toast


During the 5-2 run, the Bills as a team bought into the McDermott philosophy -- and, according to the company line, those who didn't were kicked to the curb.   The problem is that mind/will/desire does not have an infinite capability to top matter, ie talent.  Will cannot make a slow player faster.  It can't make a player with average football instincts and skills play like the best player at that position in the league.  It can't make a smaller player able to stop a bigger player when all else is equal.  The laws of physics apply on the football field just like in the rest of the universe.  A team without much talent on both sides of the ball -- which is the Bills thanks to various FO moves in 2017 -- isn't going to have much success against a team with significantly more talent no matter how much they want it.  In a few freakish instances they might get lucky and win a game, but not many.  That's where the Bills are.  It's likely that teams like KC and NE will lay more ugly losses on them.  I have no idea if the team will quit on McDermott.  I don't think it has happened yet, but how many more losses like Sunday can the team absorb before they do?


Dan, in answer to your last point,  I said back in TC that this regime bore a strong resemblance to the Jauron regime, and while I think McDermott is a significantly better coach than Jauron, the resemblance to the Jauron debacle in 2008 seems even stronger now.


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