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Let's suppose the Bills...


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Let's assume the Bills don't go to the post season party... and finish, say 7-9.


Purely hypothetical... because the Bills could go 11-5 or 5-11. I tend to think they'll be closer to 5-11 than 11-5... but that's beside the point.


So, we're assumin 7-9 here...


When Donahoe and Mularkey sit down with Ralph at his Florida mansion in January, what do you think will be, or, should be the outcome of that meeting?


How does this team move forward?

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Oh, man. That's, what, seven years of no playoffs.


That's almost Bengal futility. No, we need to make the playoffs this year. This team is capable of it. Our losses last year were all very close losses that could've been won had we been committed to the run. We were just as close to being 10-6 as we were to 6-10.



If we don't make it this year, someone has to go. Maybe Modrak? For all of the hullaballoo he gets, our one draft him without him was solid to great and our drafts with him have been average to poor.

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When Donahoe and Mularkey sit down with Ralph at his Florida mansion in January, what do you think will be, or, should be the outcome of that meeting? 



the same outcome as the sit down between michael corleone with virgil solozo and captain mclusky...

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It depends. If we go 8-8 or 9-7 and appear to be on the cusp of winning then TD gets one more year to do something...if we are the doormats of the conference and finish 6-10 or worse, TD has to go and we need to try something else. This team is loaded with talent, barring injuries there is no way they should miss the playoffs unless we go 10-6 and don't go due to a tie-breaker.


I said it last year and still believe it...without KG as our OC last year this team might have made the playoffs, he was that bad. If this D can cause a few more turnovers I see no reason a 10-6 season isn't within our grasp.

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Let's assume the Bills don't go to the post season party... and finish, say 7-9.


Purely hypothetical... because the Bills could go 11-5 or 5-11.  I tend to think they'll be closer to 5-11 than 11-5... but that's beside the point. 


So, we're assumin 7-9 here...


When Donahoe and Mularkey sit down with Ralph at his Florida mansion in January, what do you think will be, or, should be the outcome of that meeting? 


How does this team move forward?



I'm assuming 8 - 8 and TD survives that. 5 - 11 should get someone other than HC fired.

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This team is loaded with talent, barring injuries there is no way they should miss the playoffs unless we go 10-6 and don't go due to a tie-breaker.




You said it right there. This team is loaded with talent. That means TD is doing his job. What's the problem?

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If it's loaded with talent, then didn't TD do his job?   I's not his job to make the players perform.



Nope, because half of his job is hiring the right coach to get that talent into the playoffs and getting players who not only have talent but have the mental wherewithall to perform each and every week of the season.


I'm not saying I don't think TD has done a good job, but at some point the buck stops there, and if this team comes out and lays a 5-10 record how many more excuses are we going to give TD? If that happened it would be 4 seasons and not one season with a winning record to show for it...at some point the finger has to be pointed at the man pulling the trigger. Let's hope this team goes out and puts up a 10+ win season like they have the talent to do and it's all a moot point.

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A 7-9 season would be the source of great consternation in the Bills organization. I don't know how long Ralph Wilson's fuse is. Whether the coaching change buys him an extra year or not I can't say. I know it would be difficult for TD to point to Mularkey and say, "It's the coach's fault," for the second time in a row. If Wilson doesn't fire TD, then I think it would be hard for TD to fire Mularkey. He's have to give him at least one more season.


Fortunately, I think the record will be better than that. My prediction is for 10-6. I don't think anyone will be really satisfied if the record were 9-7 and the Bills did not make the playoffs, but I think that secures everyone's job for at least another year.

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The bills have a top 3 defense, and a talent loaded offense. The reason they went 6-10 last year was inept offensive coaching decisions, which lead to the head coach losing the entire team. Unless this team has an injury, or the same coaching scenerio happens again, this team WILL make the playoffs. I honestly think this team will win the division. 11-5 bills, 9-7 jets, 8-8 pats, 3-13 phins.


By the way, in the spirit of making every thread into a chappelle quote,


"be good to your prostitute"

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For those in love with Modrak. Modrak ran the draft the last few years.


Mike Williams, Josh Reed, Ryan Denney.

Willis McGahee, Chris Kelsay, Angelo Crowell.


Not exactly terrific work. Just remember that when you fire TD and want to replace him with his buddy Modrak.

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