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Drew Magary at Deadspin - epic hate rant about the Pats

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Agree on the Giants Superbowl where they ended a perfect Pats season - that was friggin stellar.


There have been a number of close Superbowls too. Of course #25 - can't get much closer than that. There was the Tennessee vs. Rams Superbowl where the Titan's came up short on the very last play. That was epic. And the games BADOL mentioned.

yeah, there were a few ... but really, most weren't. By my count, 7 out of the first 35 (up to the year 2000) were close. That's pathetic. https://www.printyourbrackets.com/past-super-bowl-scores.html.


i didn't give credit to the Rams/Steelers SB. That was close at one point, but it really wasn't in doubt. I realize that my view on that one is arguable. I also didn't give it to the first Bengals/Niners game, which wasn't as close as we remember. It was 20-7 when Hacksaw Reynolds stuffed Pete Johnson on 4th down, and the Niners had a comfortable 2 score lead for most of the 4th. The Bengals scored to make it 26-21 with 20 seconds to go and no TOs.



I agree and IMO the lack of a convincing victory in the buch is in part a testament to Belichick only wanting to win "his way".


I think he could have won quite a few more over the past 13 years but he's never been about loading up and compromising his team-first shtick and it is usually good enough to at least get him in the final 4 every year.


That lack of desire to stack talent over role players leads to some situations where he doesn't match up that great talent-wise in these games and I think the two week layoff levels the playing field "somewhat" for opposing coaches.


If there were a week between championship and SB games I think his game planning edge would have yielded some blowouts.


Honestly, on paper I think that Steelers team is better than Atlanta.......and Le'Veon Bell or not......the Steelers were going to get trounced coming in with only a couple days to gameplan.

It was never more evident than this season. The Falcons are without question a more talented group than the Pats, at least on offense. It's not even close.

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It WAS the best Superbowl ever.


They do have the best team ever.


They are obnoxious.

Just like we were in the Kelley era.

My complaint is the slanted officiating. There were obvious penalties that should have been called down the stretch against the pats that some how were over looked! Their vision was excellent when it came to the falcons transgressions. And it's not just in the super bowl. All season the patriots seem to get the royal treatment. The ref's always make sure they call the necessary number of penalties but they don't very often get the critical calls that may influence the out come.

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Here is an idea... The Pats** are best ever. Gr8, now let them be turned into the New England Patriots Globetrotters. They can play the Washington Generals. Leave the rest of the game to the purists.


Sound fair Pats**, you're the best, nobody can compete with you. You win! Now make your own rules and play your own game. Brady can then go by the name: Meadowlark Brady.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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