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Witnessing a suicide, your house catching on fire, getting arrested. These things are lucky?



The arrest got him more money. So yes, that was a good thing for him. The suicide didn't have much to do with him, he saw a guy flash past the window.


The numbers brought him incredible wealth, but bad luck to everyone around him.

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I'm with ncdawg. I think Hurley is personally very lucky. And he knows it. That's why he didn't hesitate a bit when it came to the boobie trap or the bridge.


Steve and Jan, the thing I object to in your spoiler rant is that I'm not the one who first brought up the lottery. I was asking someone else what they knew about it.


So how many of you played those numbers today? My horoscope says it would be a good day for me to play the lottery. Should I go for it?

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The arrest got him more money. So yes, that was a good thing for him. The suicide didn't have much to do with him, he saw a guy flash past the window.


The numbers brought him incredible wealth, but bad luck to everyone around him.



I would agree but apparently he had some mental issues at some point in time. If crazy sh-- happening all around you isn't bad luck when you are nuts or recovering from being nuts, I don't know what is.

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I would agree but apparently he had some mental issues at some point in time. If crazy sh-- happening all around you isn't bad luck when you are nuts or recovering from being nuts, I don't know what is.


How do we know he was in the nuthouse? Would they let a nut visit another nut without some kind of supervision? I got the feeling that he had been a volunteer there. It's a possibility.
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just a quick question...what was the entire deal with Ethan...Danielle made it seem as if everyone else on the island was gone except for her...and also, shes just a bit off her rocker, while ethan seemed purely evil...

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How do we know he was in the nuthouse? Would they let a nut visit another nut without some kind of supervision? I got the feeling that he had been a volunteer there. It's a possibility.



Really? I got the opposite feeling...like he was a patient. Here's why I think that:


1) When they first showed Hurley, he was living with his mother and she was complaining about him staying in and he bitched "if I'm going to be living with you, you have to respect my privacy"...I took that to mean he was living there against his will (either broke or what not)


2) When he won the lottery, he mentioned (to the news crew) that he had put his family through a lot recently...probably by being in the nut house.


3) The orderly said something like, "I don't remember you being friends with Larry"...


I don't know why he was a patient, but maybe it was anger issues or weight issues? Just total guesses.

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I would agree but apparently he had some mental issues at some point in time. If crazy sh-- happening all around you isn't bad luck when you are nuts or recovering from being nuts, I don't know what is.



One of the things that made the scene b/w him and Danielle so good. There was a load lifted when he realized he wasn't crazy. I think D. probably felt much the same way. "She said to say 'Hey.'" If you've noted, Hurley gets really defensive whenever Charlie or Jack have said things, even jokingly, questioning his sanity.


Tgreg, it's all but certain Hurley was a patient for those reasons and that the receptionist was trying to get him out of there, he didn't know what Leonard's last name was means he wasn't holding the charts, if you know what I mean. It likely had something to do w/ an angry outburst like w/ Danielle.


Noticed it a couple of weeks ago, anyone notice that Charlie's decorative bandages on his knuckles reads EVIL?


What was the wire doing on the beach, looked like it went into the ocean. And then it apparently went down into the ground when they got to the bridge. Was it for the radio tower?


The T-Rex idea? I don't know, but I wouldn't rule it out. One of the writers had an interview where he offered jokingly (or not?), "Maybe it's a Loch Ness kind of thing." And just generally b/c I don't want to do anything that may be deemed a spoiler, he said there wasn't going to be things that are WAY far out like time travel, etc. but they do play around w/ the science milieu.


And for those who think there's a multiple-season "bible" for the show, that's wrong. There's general ideas of what the storylines in seasons 2, 3 or beyond, but nothing is set in stone.

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4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.

815 was the flight #

815 was the number of Kate's safety deposit box


Locke had his accident 4 years ago?

Michael was hit by a car 4 years ago

Drive Shaft had their hit 4 years ago


The French woman changed the signal 16 years ago

Arent there 42 survivors on the island? 


The 4th book of the Bible Chapter 8 Verse 15-16 deals with firstborn children - ie Claire getting kidnapped.


8:15 And after that shall the Levites go in to do the service of the

tabernacle of the congregation: and thou shalt cleanse them, and offer

them for an offering.


8:16 For they are wholly given unto me from among the children of

Israel; instead of such as open every womb, even instead of the

firstborn of all the children of Israel, have I taken them unto me.


I actually drew a Biblical parallel with last night's episode as well. I saw Hurley as a modern day Job. And once the #s were revealed, I went to the Book of Job. For those who know their Bibles, there are 42 total chapters in the Book of Job - I read chapters 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42 last night and there are some parallels to what is going on around Hurley (and the rest of the survivors).

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And for those who think there's a multiple-season "bible" for the show, that's wrong. There's general ideas of what the storylines in seasons 2, 3 or beyond, but nothing is set in stone.


There is a Bible for season 1, that's long since been established, that is indeed set in stone in terms of story (not characters exactly).


When Abrahms was pitched the show, he turned it down because he couldn't figure out how to expand the show's life past one season. Finally he found a way (what if they are on an island that isn't a normal island...) and wrote a three season arc for the story. He then wrote the Bible for season 1.


There is no need to write a bible for future seasons because it would take too long for a show they weren't even sure would make it past it's initial order of 5 episodes. Still, once they wrap this season, they will sit down and write a second season bible and I am willing to bet that it follows the same story arc that Abrams wrote last year. The man is a brilliant writer who micromanages everything he produces, he won't let his team deviate from his orginal vision unless there is a damn good reason.


It's just how he works.

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anyone here going to use those numbers. I'm tempted


Why? So on the off chance you win, you get to split it with all the (other) yahoo's who played those numbers because they were on TV?

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Well, getting back to brass tacks, how in the heckfire could the bridge support Hurley and not Charlie? That's one that boggles the mind, unless it took a while for a rope to become totally unfrayed.


Then, who built the bridge? Looked a lot older than 16 years for Danielle's party to have put up. That combined w/ the existing signal that sidetracked the expedition, this island has likely seen several crashes. Bermuda Triangle, the Pacific version?


What I want to know is, when the bridge broke, how did Charlie jump forward? As soon as the bridge snapped and was in free-fall, there would be no way for Charlie to get any push off of it. Unless he heard it breaking before it fully gave way and he jumped then.

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Why?  So on the off chance you win, you get to split it with all the (other) yahoo's who played those numbers because they were on TV?




well something is better then nothing. I would fully expect to see quite a few yahoos doing this.

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I would agree but apparently he had some mental issues at some point in time. If crazy sh-- happening all around you isn't bad luck when you are nuts or recovering from being nuts, I don't know what is.




Thats it in a nutshell-you have great luck but those around you suffer!!

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I DO !!!  :ph34r:


You want spoilers? There's tons of sites out there with a good week's advance on what's going on. Do a quick search (I would find a site for you, but I really don't wanna know! :()


But you sound like my mom - it almost kills her not to read the last chapter of a novel she is reading!!! :)


But seriously, if you want spoilers, they are out there - just keep them to yourself young lady! :devil:!

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As far as the bridge breaking for the much lighter Charlie, AFTER Hurley crossed, My Wife and I agree it was simply another BAD THING that happens to people around him. Bad things ALWAYS happen to people around him. The Guy struck by lightning, the fire, the broken ankle, etc etc...

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8 people died. (that number again....)



For those of you w/ Tivo, did the guy say "Eight" or "eight-something"? Admittedly, my hearing has been going for a few years now but I thought he tack on "-something."


And for those who are angry at no new eps until 13 April, well, I can tell you they were editing ep 16 when ep 14 was airing. Takes over a week to shoot each ep.... Sooner or later, even working every day w/ no off time (which makes Jack a dull doctor), there's going to be some repeats necessary while they shoot the ones that will air in April/May. Not to mention that ABC is actually losing money on the show right now due to high production costs in Hawaii; they need to recoup some of it. 'Course, they'll be filthy, stinking rich when the DVDs come out in August....

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