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If the Jets kick the hell out of the Bills this week, there is a chance that not many season tickets will be renewed in 2016 perhaps forcing Pegs hand.


I don't think a large scale season ticket holder exodus will happen, but if it did I don't think it would immediately move Pegula. I don't believe he's as revenue-sensitive as Ralph was.

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I don't think a large scale season ticket holder exodus will happen, but if it did I don't think it would immediately move Pegula. I don't believe he's as revenue-sensitive as Ralph was.


You're probably right, but if Rex tanks with this team I can sense a serious fan rebellion. It's not even that Rex over-promised and under-performed that bothers me. It's the fact that he was stupid enough to force his dumb ass defensive philosophy into a place it clearly did not belong and wasn't working.


This is the one year we had all the pieces in place to make a run and gain some continuity and this idiot blew it all up. His stubborn need to tinker with something that was working perfectly well and destroy it is what really gets to me. He should have swallowed his pride and let Schwartz run his D. Rex would oversee operations and with a Schwartz run D and Roman led O we would have had a shot at the SuperBowl this year. I truly believe it. The moment Rex forced his hand, he lost. And now everyone is paying for it, but him.

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support the team and the coaches, LET them know you back them through the 1st season of falling short - will go A LOT further than booing


Schwartz is a good coordinator. That is VERY DIFFERENT from being Head Coach.

Case on point: Rex.
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