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Bledsoe Is Telling His Fans that Air Bledsoe


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Wonder if Bledsoe is tipping off what he is going to do??? Maybe letting everyone know he is going to be a Cowboy?? Posting Dallas News Stories to His front page..




VERY interesting.........


It looks like they may just post any article with his name (automated?). There is an article about Curt Schilling and it simply mentions Bledsoe because Schilling lives in his old house.

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The actual proof is being held by CBS 60 Minutes.......


I'll bet his website uses RSS to find articles that contain his name and automatically post them on the website.


I once saw a environmentalist website that setup RSS for news items about Dolphins (the real Marine Mammals)... but all the articles listed were all about the Dolhags (the lousy football team). :)


Edited 2:09PM- Its still there. If you're interested the site is:




It's about midway down the page

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