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A Stab in the Back...?

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POTUS' stated reason for not meeting with Netanyahu recently was that to do so might unduly influence the upcoming Israeli elections. Now, it seems that a bipartisan group in our Congress has uncovered an attempt to allegedly influence those elections by funding anti-Netanyahu groups with US taxpayer money.




With any luck, POTUS will "learn about" this matter in the newspapers at some future point in time...and be just astonished by it all.


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Which US taxpayers were affected by this?

Considering that I don't want my tax dollars being spent influencing foreign elections, I would say that I am affected and would venture a guess there are plenty of others who share a similar opinion

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Christ, if there ever was a save-ass in this world, it's the former CEO of the shitheel outfit. Read the end of the article again. He's doing everything he can to show that he was out of there before "the bad" happened, and sticking the shitheel Europeans with this?




Typical far-left hack. A coward and a liar. Liar? Notice how he doesn't say a F'ing word about the agenda of OneVoice or V15? That's a lie of omission if I've ever heard one. All he's doing is talking process = when he resigned, and in doing so? He's admitting that the content is awful, because he's avoiding it completely. Which means: busted.


And this is who is in charge of the country right now. Every Obama voter should be asking themselves if this isn't the stupidest choice they have ever made in their life.

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