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Jose, just shut up!

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I thought Jose Canseco had his 15 minutes of fame, but here' a story from the New York Daily News:


You've never seen Jose Canseco like this: huddled in a bathroom stall at the Oakland Coliseum, jabbing a hypodermic needle into Mark McGwire's bare behind.

Or McGwire and a young Jason Giambi heading into the men's room to inject each other with the anabolic steroids that would turn them from lanky lads into muscle-bound behemoths.

Bad boy Canseco alleges those and other mind-bending scenes in a soon-to-be-released book.

In "Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant 'Roids, Smash Hits and How Baseball Got Big," Canseco claims he personally injected performance-enhancing drugs into some of the biggest names in the game, including All-Stars Rafael Palmeiro, Juan Gonzalez and Ivan Rodriguez.

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hes naming names.


i think he will soon find a dead rat in his mail box.  LOL


hes only doing it so people will buy his book, but for some reason i believe him.

but i hate baseball anyways...


Well if you watch The Sopranos you know what happens to rats. .....I thought tattletailing was something 7-year-old girls do????

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I thought tattletailing was something 7-year-old girls do????


And this particular tattletail has house payments, car payments, etc.


Part of me wishes he would shut up, but another part of me thinks that this will make players think twice before cheating.

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Its all about the cash, he'll make a few million by naming names. Just like all the Athletes who used roids in any sport to better themselves and make the big payday. You do whatever you think you can get away with. It is the American way.

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Professional athletes cheat?  There's news.



their not cheating.. if they were cheating, all there records would be removed, and they would be banned from the sport.


fact is, owners and fans dont care. all they want to see is 70 home runs. all this talk about getting rid of steroids is a JOKE. if the worst that can happen to Bonds or Giambi is a few games sespention, while making MILLIONS in a GARENTEED contract, then it will not change anything.



"The Babe" used to cork his bat, and no one cares.


Sosa corkes his bat, and no one cares.


MaGuire "allegedly" took steroids and noone cares


Bonds has SEVERAL connections to balco, but no one cares.


noone cares if they cheat aslong as they keep it quiet and keep winning.

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"The Babe" used to cork his bat, and no one cares.


Sosa corkes his bat, and no one cares.


MaGuire "allegedly" took steroids and noone cares


Bonds has SEVERAL connections to balco, but no one cares.


noone cares if they cheat aslong as they keep it quiet and keep winning.


Who's "no one?" LOTS of people care. Don't make assumptions just because you don't care.

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Not sure why you're angry towards Jose. Are you a Mark McGuire/Jason Giambi fan or something? If these alligations are true then screw Big Mac and his worthless records.


We already know Giambi is a juicer and if you didn't know McGwire was before Jose's tattletaling then you live in the dark age. ... I'm saying what's the point of him blabbing now? Because he took the roids, ruined his body and now no one will give him a job in baseball because he's washed up and bitter. He's got bills to pay, hell who doesn't have bills to pay. He can't get a job ---heck I bet he could flip a burger without pulling a hamstring.

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It's amazing how tight lipped MLB players are when it comes to steroids.  If you're in that locker room, you have to know what is going on.


They more or less have that stupid Police code of silence. If I were in the major leagues and a homerun hitter I would insist on steroids testing. The MLB players union would be pissed off but fug them!

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I have a 1984 Mark McGwire USA baseball team card...scrawny little wimp. If people believe that he is not on 'roids then I have a few bridges Im selling. Also, has anyone ever heard the rumor about Barry Bonds' hat size going up a few sizes since he came into the league...sure sign of high levels of testosterone, gross bone growth

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