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Weighing security vs. public health


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I don't travel commercially very often as I own a Fleer jet but once in a while I have to do it for research.


On a recent trip I discovered that if you are over 75 years old you do not have to take off your shoes for TSA. What gives here? I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, but lets face it, they wear big shoes what with all of the inserts and padded heels an so forth.


Wouldn't that be more of a threat because there is more space? I understand that old people aren't too quick or too bright so detonating a shoe would be difficult for them to do without getting caught first but they could be part of a team with a younger partner. I'm thinking maybe our government has weighed the trade off of this risk versus the fact that about nine people in the terminal would vomit from the sights and smells involved with a 75 year old or older person taking off their shoes and public health would be at risk. I was wearing a roughly $327k suite so I am happy nobody ended up puking on me but aren't all shoes equal?


I don't really care that much because my research trips are pretty rare but am wondering if any of you have concerns. Please be respectful of old people in your reply.

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