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Did Orton retire because of Marrone and Hackett?


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It's respectable that Kyle Orton is a family man and probably didn't want to damage his body while considering retirement. For my team, though, that is a really tough pill to swallow. Even a supposedly cerebral guy like Fitz lays his body on the line with regularity. I am not asking anyone to be stupid, but I do want to see my QB take risks, and I saw less and less of that as the season progressed. There's probably a multi-part answer to why - the O-line woes, a decreasing desire, wishes for long-term health - but I think those overrode any supposed differences in philosophy with a coach who pretty clearly wanted him to be part of the picture.

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I think we now know why Orton has left so many fanbases both laughing at him and hating him.


He is a flaky/sketchy character.


His story this year, a slack jawed brown liquor drinking ball deliverer taking one more job to pocket $5M and then unexpectedly becoming thrust into a competitive situation he wasn't expecting by a tomato head Doug Marrone would make a good direct to Netflix football movie.

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